
Maddie Vo

Ask @maddievo

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Who is you're best girl friends? Any guy friends?

Lizzy,fernanda,mallorie are the mainsss and then we got ann vivs alarice and maria c: and not any close guy friends

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who do you sit with at lucnh

fernanda,amanda,alex neissl,alex ravesies,ashley,mckenzie,johnathan and carly,and kait ✌

Favorite class, movie, song, singer, actor?

class?..lol what like lunch or tennis or art,movie idk theres too many,song,idk too many,singer idk actor channing,dave ♥

Youre such a bitch to me, like you've changed a lot and not in a good way

Well who is this maybe ill apologize?..i still have all the same friends and i dont think ive changed what the fuck..? Bieettchh

why didnt you go to hoco

everyone who went with friends last year told me it sucked,i didn't get askedd,and i dont think i had time for it anywaysss o:


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