
Tokio Hotel Malaysia

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What did you honestly think/say the first time you saw a picture of Bill?

WhisperMe483’s Profile PhotoSandra
To be honest, the first time I saw a photo of Bill, I thought it was weird! But after listening to Tokio Hotel's songs, I think that Bill has a very cool style!

Imagine: You win two tickets to the next Tokio Hotel concert, but it doesn't end there, you also win backstage pass afterwards. What’s your reaction? And who will you bring?

WhisperMe483’s Profile PhotoSandra
Wow! I cannot imagine how would I react if this happens to me! I guess I would cry because of happiness :') I would bring along my fellow Alien friends if I can!

The question that I’m sure you’ve gotten before, but that I would love to know the answer on anyway; How and when did you first hear about Tokio Hotel? And how long did it take before you became an Alien?

WhisperMe483’s Profile PhotoSandra
Hello! I first heard about Tokio Hotel's name during 2008, but I've never really notice them until 2010, when they first came to Malaysia for their concert. I can recall how long did it takes for me to become an Alien. I guess I just started listening to their music and then watch their videos, then eventually became their fan! :D

do you think th still has got fans? I mean as many as in the old times

To be frank, TH might lose some fans due to their long hiatus, it's normal. But they still have heaps of fans out there! We TH fans are strong enough to win the votings! ;)

when will the forum be ready?

It will be ready very soon! We are currently working on the final step of the forum :)

how to get them come to malaysia?

Well, all the TH fans in Malaysia need to show support to them and let them know that we want them to come to this country! We can't reveal the further details, sorry.

Is the new Street team official?? N they work with you guyz?

Yes, it is official! They're an independent Street-Team but we will work together on several projects in the future :)

Is it hard to be in charge of an FC?

You know, everything has its own challenges... But we have not much problem right now, no worries! :)

Do you have TH-haters as friends?

If you're talking about someone who dislikes their music, yes! If you're talking about someone who hates them for real, no!

Language: English