
Mary Lowther

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tbh mary! dont really talk anymore but your really nice and funny! also reallly pretty and great at sports! and great at fishing:)

Ahaha fishing :,)

Tbh you're super funny and always a blast to hang with you're super funny and gorgeous! You're a sick volleyball player and have killer blocks!!!

Thank Celina!

tbh Mary you're a great person, also super pretty! you're an amazing volleyball player and you're very good at encouraging people! ahah love to know you better:)

hopemaclean’s Profile Photohope maclean

Tbh- MARY I FRIGGING LOVE YOU, you're so nice to everyone it's amazing! You're absolutely hilarious, you're always happy, an amazing friend and supa pretty! Also very good carrot sandwich chef, not gonna lie 😏

❤️❤️❤️ Love you Morg omnikin volleyball😏


Tbh~ fun fishing today ahaha good at casting reels and undoing knots😂😂 anyways great guy really funny and super sweet


Tbh trinity~ you're seriously so gorgeous like oh my gosh! I've heard only but great things about you also you seem v fun to be around and so sweet! Hmu sometime :)


HaleyElizabeth88’s Profile PhotoHaley Cole
Tbh haley❤️~ I honestly would call you one of my best friends haha you're so sweet and I tell you pretty much everything haha you're stunning like omg I'm jealous and have a amazing personality you're the 💣.com
Liked by: Haley Cole

mya me

Tbh Mya frikin Macnevin😏~ you're so pretty like ahh! You have great style and the best personality too! You're hilarious and I'm so glad we became closer this year! Hangout soon


Tbh MORG❤️~ you're one of my favourite persons ever! You always can make me laugh and I just love you! #nogums😉


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