

Ask @misspoet271

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Hi, i love ur words <3 would u mind if i used them with my pics and ill mention u

Yeah sure. Plus if you really love reading you could check my blog? ~ pileofemotions.wordpress.com #shamelessly promoting my blog hah!
Liked by: eman Altamimi

I'm just shy lil bit to show my name on insta. I followed u b4 3 years and u always inspire us so dont get depressed because of some petty mentalities. Ur the best dnt worry just show the whole world ur bright smile ;p

This means a lot to me. I am trying my best to stay strong but some people just want to see you fail. Don't worry enshalla I will get through it like I always do. Right? Knowing that I inspire you is enough reason to make my night and day everyday. Whoever you are. Thank you a lot a lot a lot. You have no idea how this small message of yours made me happy now.
Liked by: eman Altamimi

أحب قلبببببببببج النظييييييف واحببببببببببج صديقتي الجميله ❤️

حياتي تسلمين انا اكيد احبج بعد بس منو انتي ههههه!!!
Liked by: eman Altamimi

شنو حكمتج بالحياة؟

Love what you do and do what you love. لان اذا سويت شي انا مو حابته ماراح ارتاح ولا راح اكون مستانسه
Liked by: eman Altamimi

كل يوم اشوف ابتسامج ابتسم و صج قاعده ترسمين البسمه فالناس ... ف ابتسمي دايما و الله يديم لبتسامه و الله يعطيج هلى قد نيتج

شكرااا! هالكلام يعنيلي وايد
الله يعطينا على قد نيتنا انشاءالله❤️
Liked by: eman Altamimi

You're the best! Keep on going!

❤️ will do. Thank you for the support. Means a lot. To know whoever is out there at least know something and that itself made me feel a whole lot better.
Liked by: eman Altamimi

السلام عليكم، انا من متابعينج من فتره، انتي وايد زينه وتحبين الخير وطيبه وتعرفين الحق وتخافين الله، عندي لج نصيحه ما تخلي الشعور ال "لو" يحوشج مره ثانيه، تقربي من الله بالسنن والقرآن وراح تشوفين حياتج تتغير للون اجمل منه مافي، والاشيا الزينه تيي لي عندج جربي وحطتي ثقتج بالله وراح تشوفين :D

ونعم بالله. بالعكس. واثقه تماما ان كل شي يصير قضاء و قدر والله يعطيني على قد نيتي و شي مجربته وادري فيه. شنسوي اذا الناس بعض الناس اهم اللي مسببين هالازمه النفسيه. خلها على الله. دعوه ما تروح من لساني" يا رب اللي فيه الخير قربه مني و اللي يبيلي الشر ابعده عني" الحمدالله على كل حال. و اشكرك صج خليتني ابتسم من هالكلام. الله كريم❤️.
Liked by: eman Altamimi

There is one thing that i haven't mentioned it earlier , "what goes around comes back around" that's a thing that I really believe in & hope that you keep it in your mind, cuz your as long as you are doing good things for the people around you there is a lot of good things coming back 2 U inshallah

Amen. Hopefully 'Good things' will find me well. Trying to keep hope as much as I can. But don't worry even if I was wrecked I will still try to brighten up your day. Thank you a lot. You have no idea how much this means to me.
Liked by: eman Altamimi

Hello & good morning "assume that you'll see it in the morning", just wanna say thank you for helping many people including me every day by a simple "smile" cuz no matter how our day is dark it always looks brighter behind a smiling face to you, have a nice day & keep smiling beautiful ❤

You brought me to tears. Thank You a lot for saying that. It means the world to me. I have always been doing my best to make people happy by the simplest things. And I am happy to know that I have succeeded.
Liked by: eman Altamimi

Ma glteeli happy bday.. I was kinda expecting u to ;(

Wallaa Imm so sorry bs if you knew me you'd know I forget things.. Especially birthdays :( ? Who are youuu?
Liked by: eman Altamimi


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