
Mr. Elders

Ask @MisterElders

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mr.elders how do i get my howwork page i left it at shool can you plz send me a link my email is angrybirdsevan5@hotmial.com

I don't have a copy at home. See me in the morning.

in questions 26,27 for practice 4-1 is it just the numbers that are divisible by all the numbers given or each number individually?

Just the numbers that are divisible by the numbers listed.

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the amazon paper says it begins in the Huarco but I looked in the internet and it says that it begins in Nevado Mismi and I am for sure because I looked everywhere. ( Huarco is under Course and Characteristics, 2nd paragraph, 1st line) what do I do?

Either is fine

Hey Mr.Elders, I was wondering that if you could give me an explanation on what vegetation means. I just can't seem to remember about it. Please and Thank you!! :) :D ;) ;D *******************************************************************************************************************************

What plant life would you see?

Hi, Mr.Elders, I was wondering if we are allowed to wear sweatpants. And if we can bring cameras.

Regular dress code. Bring a camera but not a cell phone iPod or camera phone

Hi, Mr.Elders, I was wondering if you are going to give out the lunch menu of November because I never got the October one. I was also wondering if you do pass them out, because if you don't then I can maybe ask Mrs.Covell or Mrs.Delger if they can make a copy. Thank you!! And Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

I will pass them out. I don't know what happened to Octobers schedule. Sorry

If I want to know the overall grade, would I do ____ . _____ + ______ . _________ + ______ . _______ = ________ . _____________ divide by 3?

Yes sir or m'am

hi mr.elders, I was wondering if we could also ask you questions of math. But what if you are in Covell or Delger Math.

You can. I will answer as best I can.

Do we have to study the back side of the word cards? ( The part that has the economy, factors of production,etc for the test.) It doesn't say on the study guide. I know we have to study the side that has Consumer, producer.

Yup. We are learning about those tomorrow (Monday)

I also have another question. On Our study guide, I can't remember what Mercator, Equal Area, and Robinson projection maps are?

Check with me tomorrow

Mr. Elders, I was wondering if you could put the PowerPoint of The questions that Historians and Geographers ask because I can't find any notes about it and I cannot find anything on the internet. So, I was wondering if you could put the PowerPoint up, tomorrow though. Thanks.!

Will do.

this is kind of random but what is Mrs Delgers email? i have to email her my power point. (sorry if i woke you up)

6.mdelger at nhaschools.com

Hi Mr Elders!!! I miss 6th grade so much! last year was so fun! I'm sure all the new 6th graders love your class!!!

Haha. Thanks mystery 7th grader!


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