
Izaac Momoka

Ask @momokajuice

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Thoughts on Jordyn ?

really nice! we dont talk to much at school but we have musical theater together and thats a blast! idk if ive seen her not smiling but yea!

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I like you...but I'm scared to tell you because you can't like me back and we can never date :(

i understand :/ if you ever do tell me i promise its not gonna get weird or anything! but i totes get it.


reeeeaally cool girl! absolute great friend, probs gets treated bad :/ sorry about that. but youre really funny like today at lunch! aha youre a really nice girl and yea :)

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

Nope, that's like taking someone from there home and then basically making them soft and trying to simulate what they already had, madagascar right in the feels
Liked by: Andrea :)

Why don't u date

I promised my grandparents and my mom a while ago that I wouldn't date till I was 21.
And I think dating means a whole lot more when it's for a reason,mike you actually want to marry that person

Do you not find girls Attracive? Like why don't you just answer?

I find many girls attractive, what's the point in me saying I think so and so is pretty multiple times I dont want to send mixed messages, I don't want to date or give any hint that I do it's nothing personal I know I have and it's not something I like doing. At the same time I'm not so conceded as to say that any girl would automatically like me if I said she was pretty but somebody would and thats not what I'm after, nothing personal just trying to be a nice guy


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