
Arisai Aco

Ask @morena_luv

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Should we read a lot of books?

If you love reading(: bt its always nice reading atlest for 5 min. It will help u alot!

What is the most ridiculous place for a first date?

School locker room, is smelly and sweaty nd ppl get undressed nd theirs showers...

Do you have a nickname? What is it?

Morena, Ari, lashygirl, Ariness, boo nd the list goes on and on ....

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U sure know what a friend is girly ;)

Thnx(: Life experience, you get to understand wht is a true friend(:

Who would you consider a friend ?

One who would not dream of humiliating you in any way...or do anything to make you appear low in the eyes of anybody else.. one who would defend you, your honor and what you hold dear..one who would trust you and believe you when you say something, forgive you when you make mistakes, does not assume anything you do wrongly, does not think low of you in any way...slaps you when you doing something wrong nd last bt not least one who loves Jehovah God(:

Is it possible to fall in love again... with that person you were once in love??

Once you truly love someone, you will always love them. For whatever reason, sometimes things don't work out maybe cuz you both young or some other reasons, and people go there separate ways but if it was true love then that feeling will always be there no matter wht. You don't have to 'try' to fall back in love with them.

Who can ruin our World?

Satan. He is doing it already, thts why ppl act the way they act, thts why families are separated thts why no one is perfect.. nd thts why this world is messed up, cuz satan is ruining it....

What did you forget to do today?

I forgot to ask for the car keys, no keys no A/C so my friend nd I where burning Inside the car, too hot!. Aah!

What is the formula of happiness?

Bible says there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.
hakuna matata(:

Do you prefer books or movies?

movies, i'm not much of a reader my mind and brain wonder around while reading, but movies I see and I learn.

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

when cold grab a blanket or human heat and your good when hot take a shower or take a cold drink perhaps an ice coffee, ice tea, ice water.. ect...

Would you rather get a computer virus or the flu?

A computer Virus, cuz I don't want to get sick. either way is very very rare when i get sick and plus MACS don't get viruses. so i'm good(:

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

Peer pressure. They fall into it nd they either get pregnant or are in drugs, alcohol nd such more...

What is the most popular lie, people tell to each other?

"I Love You!" A 3 letter word tht has a powerful meaning. Bt some ppl don't knw the meaning nd they jst say it.

Do you care what other people think of you?

Nope!(: hate me or like me either way your thinking of me. I dnt wake up everyday to impress you.

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

If someone pays for me, go out for dinner, if not stay home and cook. Either way both sound good I dnt mind cooking(:

What’s wrong with the world?

this world is up side down. Bt we were warn about it cuz Jesus said in John 16:33: in this world you will have trouble

How do you greet your friends?

It deepens who it is, bt to most of my friends i hug them nd say heeeyy!!

Who is your best friend?

I have plenty of ppl i consider my best friends. Bt Jehovah God well never walk away(:

Would you pick brains or beauty?

Brains, the inside is wht matters the modt not the outside. he Ugly? Good! he would make u look better;)

Language: English