

Ask @omg_lets_go_muddin

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What have you learned from your past?

I've learned a lot. Mainly about people in the middle school. There's a ton of drama so I learned to try & do your best to stay out of it. Don't trust people you're uneasy about trusting because they'll end up betraying you or backstabbing you. And there's more but I could go on and on.
Liked by: katelyn

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Are you ugly: no Are you cute: yes very Would I date you: yes(: Do I like you: I don't know you that well Rate: bms Did I lie on one: no

Murffman’s Profile PhotoMurff
Awh thanks(: haha

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Sky dive, live in Brazil, and go to Hawaii with some friends.
Liked by: katelyn

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

Listen to music(: and think about stuff...sorry I'm lame.


Language: English