
Alicia Peachey

Ask @peachey69lel

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Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?

Worst player on a good team :)

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What was the most interesting place you have ever visited

I don't find things interesting but where I went for my nans funeral was pretty interesting tbh and her old house too

Would you prefer a party with a few friends or lots of friends?

I'd prefer to have my own party with just my close friends and if it was my 18th or 21st I guess more people but i have like no friends lol

What are the best holidays you have ever had in your life?

When I went to seaworld when I was like 4

What is the most comfortable bed you've ever layed in or sat on

Mum and dad's waterbed when we were little before they got a new one

Thoughts on poo

Hmmmm so delicious.
Did you know... you can pee without pooing. But you can't poo without peeing!

Thoughts on a bed

I want a new one hut I love my ones much because it's been in the family for ages. But beds are perfect

Thoughts on teddy bears

They're okay when you're sad. But I really want a giant one like the size of me *hint hint*

Thoughts on ally

A great cat. It's so cuddly and cute and she always likes to lick me a lot. But she's cute

Thoughts on snow flake

Don't really ever have anything to do with snowflake.. that's the black one yeah? It just sits there and watches us and scares me :(

thoughts on stefan

He's generally a really nice guy from when I barely spoke to him. He is a HK because he goes to nationals and I admire that/look up to him (literally) he is a very fast runner and he's okay at soccer I guess. He's friends with Jackson so that makes him a little more on the gay side. He is an attractive male for our school and he's pretty funny.
Top bloke Stefan is

What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

That a certain bitch is a filthy slut and that she stalks my Twitter and cries about what I write. LoL

You and Stefan should date

Mmmmmm we talk so much! Jks.. like twice which I don't know if you can really count it as twice. But thanks anon

Hottest guy in the grade?

At Hurlstone it would probably be Stefan or Harry I guess. I can't really think of anyone else

but isnt better to break up with him now than to drag it out and possibly end up hurting his feeling even more? :/

idk man. idc right now.


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