

Ask @hellosweetiexx

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Are you happier or sadder than you were one year ago?

I don't know, happier I guess
At this current point in time, I'm not. But overall, I am

If you were stuck on a deserted Island with one person from your school, who would you want it to be?

From my current school?

I'm soooo nervous for year 12 help me

Uhh I don't know
Yr 12 is the same as yr 11 except your marks/ranks actually count
Idk just don't get to worked up about it, it's one year of your life and if you don't get the ATAR you want, there are other ways of getting into uni courses if that's what you want to do
HSC isn't the end of the world so don't stress, plus everyone is super lovely and I'm sure if you really need help/are struggling with the work load, there will be people who are willing to help you
Goodluck :)

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Flawless and beautiful inside and out <3

I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not
If not then Thankyou :) :) :)
If so
I know

Tbh Hannah, Branda, Sabrina, Tamlyn, Monica, Stella, Joline, Krisha, Fahima, Phoebe, Cathy, Iris and Anamarija (those girls)

I honestly can't be bothered to do all of them individually but they are all such lovely, funny, gorgeous people + Anne Marie
Except I haven't spoken to Monica or Tamlyn before

When do you start going prefect stuff (congratulations by the way)

Ty haha
Umm like now actually. We already have a cute af prefect exec group message hehe

Best quailty about Mat

Ummm I don't know
I guess just the fact that he looks after me so well and does everything he can for me.
So basically he is a very idk caring person I guess and I'm grateful for everything he does

jeersey nickname ?

Ahhhh I have no idea
My options so far are
- breezy
- Not Brie (geddit, like the cheese)
So far they are pretty crap lol

Hey could you please like 50 of my answers and I'll like 50 of yours and give you a follow? :~) I wanna get to 2000 likes!! ✌️

Oh fkn hell jasmine

What about a pretty tough guy! what would you do against him?

I don't know, die probably
I'm weak

Do you think you could beat a man in a fight? if so how?

I don't know it depends on who it is I guess. "A man" is too vague

what do u want to do at uni?

Idk most likely something along the lines of law. I don't know. There's a difference between what I want to do and what I probably should do


Language: English