

Ask @queenmania

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Do you think that watching TV-shows changes your life in any way? (for example; gives you higher/lower expectations on life/people or makes you believe in people more/less)

yeah, it totally does! like... one tree hill. this show changed my life so much. when i was broken, it lifted me up, tought me that we have to be strong, and that we're not alone.
Liked by: Rebecca

What is your favorite scene ever (from a TV-show or movie) and why is that scene so special to you?

I was thinking since yesterday about that and I have an answer. The final scene with Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons from season 1th of Agents of Shield. NOTHING WILL EVER BEAT THAT. I bet you don't know that, but they become my OTP after this scene.
So, first of all, they were locked in some kind of weird box at the bottom of the ocean. They figured out the way to get out of this box, and they started to making a bomb (i guess) so the window will blow up and they will swim away. But when they finally finished working, Fitz gave her something that will let her breathe, and then she realized that he's gonna sacrifice himself for her. She said that they have to find another way and that she won't do that, and that he's her best friend in the world. And he broke and told her about his feelings. ''Yeah, and you're more than that, Jemma''. ''I couldn't find the courage to tell you.'' ''So please, let me show you''.
It was so beautiful. He grown so much to tell her this thing. She was not expecting that, she started crying and KISSING HIS ENTIRE FACE (except mouth), she was so broken, she wanted him to live. He said that it's okay (to sacrfice himself) and he blew up the window. She swam away (SHE OFC SAVED HIM TOO, EVEN WHEN SHE HAD ONE ARM TO SWIM) and then Nick Fury saved them. Now Simmons is okay and Fitz is in coma (probably).
I know that it's not making any sense right now, but trust me... there's nothing more beautiful that that. I was crying at this scene, I was crying after, I'm still crying EVERY SINGLE TIME when I'm thinking of it. There's nothing more beautiful than FitzSimmons.

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Liked by: maria. Rebecca

Which TV-show(s) (if any) did you start watching after seeing videos of it/them?

actually... every.single.show like teen wolf, the vampire diares, one tree hill, everything. now i'm watching agents of s.h.i.e.l.d because i have seen a lot of videos from it
Liked by: Sweetie2566 Rebecca

What do you think of Stalia???? <3

I seriously hate Malia, and now Stalia is canon after what? 1 month of talking? i hate this relationship, I don't like Malia at all and I hope Stiles and Lydia will be together, because i'm still fighting for them.
Liked by: Sweetie2566

Do you think it's OK to lie? Where does the line between white lies and regular lies go, in your opinion? :)

well, kinda yes, kinda not. because of my past, i'm lying very often, ofc not to my friends! but to teachers about a lot of stuffs so i won't be punished! haha i know, it's bad.
Liked by: Rebecca

What's your favourite piece of clothing?

ugh it's such a hard question, really! :D i don't know, maybe shirts

Yea its sad that I lost my father but at the same I m sad for u that even u have both of ur parents but u haven't got that love from them . This is life dear :)

well, i think you understand me wrongly because i have a love from my mom :) of course my father loves me too, but in the other way. the point is, that is sometimes harder to have parents divorced but gosh, death is the harder thing in the world my opinion. and I cannot tell how would I feel if my parents are dead. Just please, let's not talk about this anymore, life it's too short for sad things! :)


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