
Ray Narvaez Jr

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Hey, I've recently gotten a BM Intensity Pro 4K but can't seem to get it to work with OBS to capture from by XBone and PS4, wondering what magic you did to get it working. Thanks!

Bryan Elliott
I don't have a Intensity Pro 4K (I have the older model) but OBS by default doesn't seem to read the Intensity. That's why I use PtBi (http://ptbi.metaclassofnil.com/). PtBi will read your Black Magic card and PtBI works fine on OBS. Hopefully that helps!

What went through your head when that persons donation message came up about yelling "Lets Play" You seemed to straight faced until everyone turned to look at you. For the kids, I guess!

I was put in an awkward situation. If I didn't do it I would've looked like an asshole. If I did do it I assume some people would think "that stupid YouTuber is just is making this all about him".


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