

Ask @sailorkelly

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do you ever get jealous of people who are more talented? or do you see it as motivation to do better?

Yeah, I get jealous but it's not the type of jealous where it's like "LOOK AT THAT BITCH DO THEIR THANG, BITCH" Nah. Not like that at all. It's the sort of jealous that makes me feel pathetic and wish I did something with my life. I really have no motivation at all tbh and it's really bad.

do you prefer side bangs or full bangs? or none at all?

It depends how I'm feeling to be honest.

when did you dye your hair?

Hmm.... The first time I dyed my hair was probably my freshmen year. Just brown.

do you ever compare yourself to other people? like if you think you're better than them?

Omg no. I honestly have no reason to think I'm better than anyone cause I think I'm a total loser. :c

how many wigs do you own?

3. But I ordered one recently and it's coming in the mail so soon to be four!

is the anime stuff you post on your blog reflect what you like?

Yes. But if you mean if it reflects what anime I like then not really. Some just have nice art styles or look pretty or w/e.

Do you have a particular anime genre you like?

I really like action, comedy, and a little romance. That's why I like One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, and Magi, Mirai Nikki, Code Geass, and etc. A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

do you have a youtube account?

Yes, but I don't have any videos. I just use it to watch videos.

favorite food and least favorite?

I really like sushi and my least favorite.. hmm I don't like asparagus.

You're very annoying

Sorry you think of me that way, lol. But thanks for telling me person I don't even know.


Language: English