
sam leger

Ask @samleger

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you don't know me but I just wanted to tell you that you are insanely beautiful and you don't deserve anything that happened to you. keep your head up sweetheart, xo

Thank you very much :)

If you were raped you would not be so open about it. I was raped and only my closest friends, the police and my parents know. The guy went to jail 3 years ago and it's been done and over with. Now my biggest fear is seeing him because he's out. If you were raped it would have gone right to court.

First of all I'm sorry that happened to you
Also I don't want to be rude but this was sent to me so it was for me to answer so I'm going I answer this how I feel I should
Now we all deal with things differently. No one knew about the first one forever and it accidentally got out because I trusted one person and he beat him up
So my parents were informed, and I honestly felt such a relief that them and my friends knew
I know some people hide what happened to them, but I'm not the kind of person to hide things
Even if that was rape
It's not my fault with what happened to me and I don't feel like I should have to hide that. Because look how many other people I have helped with what I have been though
And I used to be bitter like you before but I've learned to accept my life because I'm not going throw away years of my life just because of two dumb guys. I don't want to hide my past
Everyone deals with things differently and just keep that in mind please

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Is Ryan going to be in court with you?

No I don't want him to, I want him to be here when I'm home
I don't want my parents to even hear what happened to me... I don't want them to have to hear in detail but they have to
Liked by: Miranda Gaynes

How old r u?? Nd y r u so open about bein raped

I'm 16 and why should I no be open about it? Everyone thinks I'm stupid for it but rape is a big issue. I'm not going to hide a big part of my life. Say my scars are for no reason or something. There's a reason why I'm as strong as I am and I'm not going to hide that. It's not my fault what happened to me so why hide something that's not my fault

why do you need to go to court for your rape? you have a great boyfriend why do you need to bring bad memories up?

Because I reported it a year and a half ago, it takes forever to go to court sassy ass

Are you ready for court? Are you goin to be ok? Im here for you c:

No I'm not I'm really not
I want to just run away. I'm not mentally prepared or physically. I know I'm going to break down. I'm probably going to puke everywheres and poop my pants or something.. and I know that's gross but I can't do this ngl... I'm not ready for this and I don't think I ever will be

Sam omg i'm 14 and me and my bf were making out and he took my shirt off... i still had a bra on though and he had his shirt off! we've been dating for a little bit but had a thing before that! we knew eachother since like grade 5! is that bad? i feel like a whore or something....

It's pretty sad that you feel that way
You're not a whore at all love, don't get convinced that you are!! No matter what you do with him it doesn't make you a whore, head up ❤️
Liked by: Jaleena

What If someone's like 300 pounds and proud of their body? Do you think it's still okay to be proud? "Like every girl should" what about in that case?

Yes, even in that case if you love your body you should be proud of it. You should be proud of it no matter what. It's your body and you shouldn't be ashamed of the body you're in. Be happy about it no matter what.
Liked by: Kristyn Brown

Oh LOL i didnt notice it was that. I thought you actualy posted one cause askfm actually deletes pics like that. And hah im not jealous trust me Youre ass isnt great and im a dude

My ass is lovely

Its blocked because ask.fm knows better than not let a fucking girl post a picture of her ass on social media. Its not fucking normal.

By blocked they meant my butt was blocked by a robe dood
You're just jealous of the booty
Its blocked because askfm knows better than not let a fucking girl post a


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