
serena smith

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I don't understand why people are so mean to you your honestly the nicest person ever

i dont rlly get it either but thank you a ton that really means so much to me💘

well can you please explain your reasoning to why PoC can't be racist to white people

because white ppl arent the minority so u cant be racist towards them but you can be prejudice and even then its stupid for white ppl to complain a ton about being called cracker or mayo when PoC are out there being killed for walking down the street.
Liked by: valerie walton

what's your workout routine or diet plan?

workout: nah im happy with my body as is but I occasionally go for walks with my puppies!!
diet: eat wat i want but in moderation mostly just bc i have a small stomach n i often dont eat a meal until like 5 and only eat small snacks which is not healthy dont do it!! its just wat i do unintentionally

Thoughts on Holly?

i dont hate her! i dont even really dislike her! so idk why she thinks i do! lil bit fucked up to say that she'd shoot me tho like ive never even met or talked to her???

who is this person if you don't mind because I dated someone who did the same to me and he was our age as well?

im sorry but i do not feel safe outing him rn, i just got a whole bunch of backlash when i brought up cultural appropriation n racism and ive seen the sort of pain ppl who out their rapist have to go through bc people still dont see rape as a big deal n ppl still want to blame the victim so:-(

Not that's it's my business but we're u assaulted from someone much older:( I've been through the same type of situation

no the same age


Language: English