
Shanni Sun

Ask @shannisideup

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u never miss the opportunity to suggest do u hhaahhahaha

hi would love you to share location/suburb when you do outfit posts! thanks! maybe do some blog posts about your experiences, little glimses into things you adore not just outfits :) love your blog wish you all the best for life and school success!

hello!! I actually only take my outfit posts in Pyrmont more towards the harbour area, but I'll mention it in the post if I do take it anywhere else!
HAHA i like the idea of writing about things I adore, I will put this into consideration ^_^
ah all the best to you too!!! thank you for this lovely message/suggestion <3

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helloo just curious , what filter do you normally use ? ^_^ for your instagram and blogspot posts :) and also you're quite pretty :) and I love love your blog and insta feed !! and how do you find time to have these shoots now and then? and one last question HAHA what camera do you have ? :)

hi there anon!
for my Instagram, I use VSCOcam as my editing app; I use the filters "04" (literally the best one I love it so much, assuming you just get VSCOcam, you won't have this filter because it was a limited one but it's part of the "Legacy" edition or something that you can buy) and also "HB2" (which I got for free from the filter store, not sure if it was limited though but you can check, it's from the Hyperbeast collection)
For my blogposts, I use "old postcards II", a free photoshop curve from Julia Trotti and then I do some extra editing of colours.
And aww thank you! ^_^
I guess during my free time or when I'm inspired I just go out and shoot HAHA. I think about how that time is my free time, and I can do work after I have the break, so finding time is not too much of an issue!
I have the Canon 60D!

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can you tell me about grade 9 study program in Australia?

tbh I really don't remember HAHA sorry! prob search it up

hi, i love your blog soooooo much D: I've started my own but how i create an audience??

Hey there!! ^_^
Ummm, I guess I don't really try in creating one? I kind of just went with the flow. At the start, I guess I tried to comment on people's blogs a bit, only relevant things though, but now I don't really make an effort at that HAHA.
I think my main audience are probably friends of friends? Like maybe people from my school and then people from other schools as well who have heard about it. Not sure actually but yeah I guess when I didnt really have an audience I would post because I felt compelled to and then the audience just built up overtime!

how is ur hsc prelim exams prep going ? ✌️

Dude whaaat, non-existent actually, do you mean half yearlies bc those are in week 2 HAHA

Can you show us some artworks you've drawn?

HA HA tbh i don't draw much and don't have anything I want to show

do you still have the black short the you took on 2013 ? I saw it on your blog in 20th do you still have that supre black short?


what camera do you use to take photo in blog and in instagram?

blog photos: Canon 60D
instagram: iPhone 5 (except for blog photos I post onto instagram)
Liked by: Fake

I don't have canon or macbook/laptop can I start the blog?

you dont specifically need a canon? though I assume that you mean a DSLR in general, um it's probably better to bc higher quality but I'm sure any camera should be fine if the shots are satisfying enough to post and you like them.
again, you dont specifically need a macbook/laptop but you would definitely need some sort of computer to get onto your blogging platform to write your posts! :)

what make you to have a blog?

I pretty much just took some inspiration online, at first I just had a lookbook.nu account and that's where I would post my outfit shots, but then the world of blogging opened up to me and yeah! That's pretty much how it went.

what's the benefits of blog?

The benefits are its pretty much just a creative outlet for you to express yourself through writing and/or photos/videos! And consequently people can tune in to what you're up to or enjoy what you have to offer ^_^
Liked by: Samantha Newman

where did you go for work experience?

I went to one of my friend's family friend's graphic design place! It's just this environmental one HAHA

pap of Melbourne ? tell me more about Melbourne? which one is better between melbourne? do you think it's hard for Asian to live there?

Sorry I actually didn't take any photos that represent Melbourne as a whole so yeah :-(
Melbourne is pretty modern and there's street art everywhere!! Architecture is sooooo amazing and fashion is on point there too!
I'm guessing you're asking the classic Syd vs Melb question and tbh I think Melbourne is probably better but not so much that I'd move from fam/friends to live there!
Hm, there is a considerably bigger Asian community in Sydney, however it's gradually increasing in Melbourne! I don't think it would be hard for an Asian to live there? I don't think it makes a difference what nationality you are living there, though I'm really not sure.

How do you relieve yourself from being a yr 11 stress ball like myself ?

Hi anonnn!!
Hm, I'm not too sure myself actually, taking deep breathes every once in a while, blasting my music real loud, taking lone walks and writing/typing down my thoughts usually does the trick for me.
I do know theres an app called "Smiling Mind" which is free(!!!!!!) and its a meditation app thats aimed for youths!! I think that would be pretty helpful if you're keen on it!
I hope your stress levels decrease soon!! :-( but if not, hey it's just year 11! Try but don't overdo it for yourself; maybe just focus on study skills/habits over these three terms and then really do your best for year 12! ^_^

Thank you Shanni!! Gaaahh sorry for the inconvenience again hehe ^_^

aww my pleasure!! ^_^ let me know if you need anymore help!

Hi Shanni! I tried finding the template, but none of them seem to fit your description..I can't seem to find the one with the same template and layout.. :(

This is the one! The rest I must've customised myself


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