
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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you quite cool leh, answering all the questions about your love life and stuff haha. not 100% sure about your situation with zac but it seems really sucky right now. Since I'm not the one involve, shouldn't comment much about it also :) good luck with him!

Thank you for all the luck! *.^

please answer questions regularly <3 love reading them :))

^_^ But i am going overseas soon... hahah might be slow in responding ;)

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How does the third party look like? pretty? simple girl?

Don't know don't care already
He die also dont wna tell me anyway

u are so niceeee. saw your responses to the view on premarriage sex. normally ppl will say 'pls refer to previous responses' but u actually answer them again <:

^_^ I believe it will be quite hard to scroll all the way down again just to find my response.... hahaha no harm answering again la

Girl A: are u going to drink again? Guy: yaaa, and I'm going to make girl B drunk (jokingly said). does that mean anything from the guy to girl B?

Throw away please.

how did you pursue Zac to give you another chance to your rs with him?

I just.... try talking to him lor but ultimately, if he doesn't want it anymore... I think there's no point pursuing it :(
If someone has given up on you.. I think no matter how much you try to do.. 死心就是死心了.

seem like Z is the same as P huh? In term of like during cool down period, there is a girl appear out of nowhere then suddenly got tgt instead of patching up with you :( JIA YOU, hope you will find a guy who really see the uniqueness in you and cherish you! :)

Hahhaa now that you say it.. indeed seems like it. Lol.
Thank you :) You're very kind!!!

if a guy & a girl kept texting, does that mean that the guy likes the girl?

Why cannot be the girl also likes the guy.....
Hahah but well if 2 people keep texting, there are only a few reasons
1. Both are interested in one another
2. Both are just flirting/leading each other on
3. Both are each other's distractions
4. Getting to know one another to see if there are possible sparks
5. Both are just plain bored and just text to kill boredom? Lol

Do you think your mum will still nag you if she can see that you do make money from blogging? Cause I think that now that you're under Nuffnang, you're exposed to much more opportunities.

Hahha yes she will still nag. To her, blogging can only be a part time job... which I kinda agree la because I am not where near XX/QQ standard yknow?? They can make blogging a living but as of now, I cant :<
It's just an additonal source of income and errr... passion for it? Its really a cool job honestly!
Ultimately, my mum would want me to have a proper, stable day job. A job which would give me CPF etc and whatnot lol

If I may know how many percentage improvement you seen after fillers treatment on your eyes?

The dark eye circles are visible (but easily concealed with concealer!) its the 'shadows' or 'dent' thats reduced alot!! I would say its reduced like 85% hahaha very happy with the results!!

Is Shenny ur NRIC name? If no how come u come out with its cute name? Haha

Nope! Shenny is not inside my NRIC!
Hahaha idk leh my sis and i were toying with the names ending with "ni/ny" and we came up with this! My eldest sister is Fanni. but my second sister changed her name to Zing. Lol odd one out ah sheeee

ehhh ur fillers are mostly gone? but your nose still look sharp leh! still can see nose bridge!!! :D

Yup!!! I would say 95% gone!!
MY NOSE SHARP TO START WITH!!! Hahaha now I don't even care already I do pig nose... i squeeze my blackheads.. When I had fillers I couldn't do any of these~

considering to do fillers for chin or nose again cos it's almost gone?

Not really!!! Abit tempted for the chin one cuz really makes the whole face sharper and nicer la... but see how??? Maybe not doing
Nose quite sure not doing again la.. hahaha my nose already sharp to start with! I want to make it smaller though but that one unachievable if fillers... need to go under knife which I probably wont ever do in this lifetime. :<

heyy Yang! :D do you know if nose fillers can make your nose look longer? :)

Why u call me Yang... It's rude to call someone by the surname somemore you and I not exactly friends right....
hahhaah i know it makes it sharper... not sure if it makes it look longer :/

do u shop at online blogshops? if yes which are your favourite shops? :D

I rarely shop now!! But if i do, its hervelvetvase usually :)

how can she fold a heart for a guy who is attached oh lord. zac is so easily swayed. then again you should have assured him more or even cut off contact with jj till your relationship with zac is more stable. now the girl can cheng xu er lu. hope you two will be ok soon. you guys look cute together!

Hahaa idk who's the girl also so I'm unable to judge :( but maybe she's really farking nice and perfect for zac lor.
Ohwellz no one can predict the future :( dont you wish you could forward time just to see what's the ending gonna be like? :/

you look fucking plastic -.-

LOL. I've never gone under the knife before
If you wanna say my fillers on nose/chin.... its like mostly gone cuz it's been a year.

May I know what kind of treatment you received from Dr SK Tan for your dark circles? Any improvements?

I did fillers for my undereye circles in June actually :)
I will blog soon ok ^_^

Babe I feel you! A girl popped out into my relationship when things went downhill for us. If there's a chance, are you able to trust him that he has cut off contact with the girl, to patch things up with you? Be careful that he might just want to have the best of both world.

Hmmmm, I think the trust needs to be slowly built up again? But I think as long as both parties are willing to give it a try again and give their best...... I dont see why it wont work out?
In any case if it fails.... at least yknow u tried your best and there's no regrets.

I wanna to travel in Asia. BUT where to go? Idea plsssssss

THAILAND!!!!!!! Its the besttttttttttt.
go phuket for the beach life etc! Bangkok for food/shopping/party!!

do u think eyebrow threading or nose filler is more painful hahhaa :)

I think eyebrow LOL. Nose filler still got numbing cream/icing!!!!
But depending on what kind of nose fillers you're doing too la. Just for the bridge not pain. But if poking thru the tip of nose there quite painful


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