
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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whats your view on premarriage sex?

Hahhaa I answered this so many times....
It depends on the individual :) if you think he's the right guy.... then.. errr I guess no one is able to judge you? There's no right or wrong in this matter to me. Its really ur preference and ur beliefs!

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would u mind getting into a r/s with a guy who has 2 kids (but living w the mother in another country)? he's already in the early forties.

Hmmm, I'd make sure he is divorced first? Make sure there's no more r/s between him and the ex wife.
Also you gotta be sure if u can accept 2 kids who are not urs?? Definitely he will meet his 2kids one day so you gotta be able to accept it la ;)

can love happens btw a 22 yr old girl and 43 yr old guy? how would you view this r/s?

Why not!!! Love knows no boundaries :)
If the guy is truly nice to you.... I would say go for it!! Somemore 43 yr old already should be more or less stable already right? But make sure he has no family!! You don't wanna jump into it.. and then later realise he already has a wife with kids... if you've fallen too deep you'll be so damn hurt~

does it mean anything if a guy touches your face/hair? just a gentle touch

Hmmm.... I would think that the guy is interested in me? Face and hair leh its quite flirtish no?

21 y/o and yet to be attached, no suitors before. whats your thoughts?

I think that is okay?? 21 yr old still young!!!!! Well if you think it in another way... you'll most prolly be married for the rest of your life right. WHY NOT ENJOY YOUR SINGLEHOOD NOW??? :D
And the best things in life are worth waiting for :) Your Mr/Miss Right will be here one day ok!!

do u enjoy replying ask.fm questions?:)

Yeap!! as long as they are not offensive... or crude. Or questions that upset me.. I am more than happy to answer ;)

Hi Shenny, I think you are a lovely and honest girl and I truly enjoy reading you blog. I must tell you that you deserve to be treasured. Because my friends and I ran into Zac last weekend at holland village with another girl. They were even locked in an embrace. :( :( You deserve better

Happy for him :)

Well everyone has those I think, it's nearly impossible for any normal person to not have those thoughts from time to time. But the most important thing is what you do with these thoughts, will you put these into action or just let these thoughts go and forgive? That's all up to you ;)

I agree :)
Liked by: ABC

if you were unemployed for a period of time, then when you go for a job interview, the interviewer asks what were you doing during this period of time, how will you answer the question? :)

I would say I was taking a break (i mean most prolly u gonna work for the rest of ur life... why can't you take a break now!!), travelling the world and finding out what I want ;)

how tall is steph? you're 165cm and she looks like a giant (a very pretty one though) next to you!

Stef is 170cm!!! I agree lor I need to wear heels to be her height, but once she wears her heels....... cries. Lol
Liked by: Stephanie Tan

have u had braces before?

Yess.... dont even remind me :(
then i accidentally flushed my retainers away and I kept pushing back my dental appointments until my bottom teeth went haywire when my wisdom teeth grew out. SAD

If there was a guy who wants to sing a love song for his love. which eng n chinese song will it be?

HMMMMMM I really dont know leh :( Sometimes its like i know the song but idk the title/who sang it...
But when Jj was wooing me in the past, he played this eng song on the guitar for me, its damn nice!!! I cant recall the title though :( sorry

just get back to jj PLS he is the nicest to you!!

Omg..... Jj is not a 2nd choice.
Jj is not someone I can leave and come back to whenever I feel and like it..... I hope yall understand?? Jj's a nice guy, I really treasure him and hurting him is the last thing I want to do. He is dating now and I am happy for him :)))

You're a very kind-hearted person from what I see in your 10 facts about yourself~ ^__^

Hahaha noooo not very, I can have lotsa evil thoughts and full of hatred sometimes. Lol.
But anyhowz, thank you!! :)

Where are you heading to next? Dont worry shenny, enjoy while you can!

I am heading to BKK next for 7days :) And some are still in planning phase ;)

10 facts about yourself please :)

1. I don't eat shark fins / duck meat
2. I always wanted to marry at the age of 26. Is it too young??? lol. I always picture myself w my future husband & 2 kids and how life would generally be in the future. hehehe
3. I like smart guys even though I am quite bimbz & ignorant at times. and thick brows attracts me!!
4. My ideal weight is 48kg and I am obviously FARRR from it sobs
5. Very unhealthy but I sleep at ungodly hours like 5 or 6am everyday
6. I love caifan nomz
7. I kinda believe in horoscopes. So if the guys chasing after me happens to be Aries or Sagittarius, it'd make me wanna know them even more. I am a Leo btw.
8. I am freaking soft heartedddddddddd.
9. Travel addict
10. I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easily and care too much.
Ok whoo that was difficult... how do people even complete the '20 facts about yourself' on instagram!? LOL

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Liked by: ABC

How many guys chasing after you now??

Lol idkkkk?? How would I know.. haha there are guys texting me here and there but doesn't mean they are after me rightttt
Liked by: O

Hey shenny, dont your parents nag at you for not going to work?

LOL YES 24/7 . I haven't been talking to my mum for a week alreadyt cuz she's like so pissed with me + my life + my relationship issues... i've been just shutting myself from everyone :<
Once i finished all my upcoming travellings I will find a job ;)


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