
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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telunas have a lot of hidden charges leh. all the activities must pay and they have a "mandatory" price for meals right? do they serve all breakfast lunch and dinner?

I wont say it's hidden charges...
I mean when you book a room, you just pay for the room also what am I right? Paying for room doesnt mean you're paying for the food ah~
And activities... isn't it a known fact that you have to pay for activities? Lol I mean everywhere you go, have to pay to play jetski/kayak etc no??
That said, if you stay at Telunas private beach (the one I stayed), activities are actually complimentary.
Only activities over at Telunas Beach Resort (stay is cheaper here) u have to pay.
Regarding meals, because its a private island.. like there's really no other restaurants/snack shops around, only Telunas's kitchen so you pay a sum and u get breakfast +lunch + dinner everyday.
Food is good at Telunas private island and u can always ask for extra portion, but I'm not very sure about the telunas beach resort!
Hope it helps!

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Liked by: Maria

where is the place u went for vacation on 13th july in your blog post?its very pretty!(:

Telunas! It is indeed very :) damn relaxing I love it!

are u happier with JJ or zac? (:

I was once happy with Jj, just that things didnt work out the way I want it to.
I am currently happy being with Zac :)
All I can say is that I put and try my best in all relationships.

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honestly...do you stilll think of jj?

Of cuz la! I am sentimental one ok! But we agreed to remain as good friends so yuppp :)

Hello! Sent in an email to thestyleyard's account regarding my orders. Haven't receive any replies yet!

Hello dear! Yessss I knowww. I am overseas right now and connection is REALLY BAD :( I'll try to reply asap dearie!

I tried talking to him.. But every now and then when we are making out, he'll suddenly stop and ask "who's better?" Gets quite irritating leh!

Ask him to focus on the present, not the past! ;)

What's the most expensive item you owned?

ERMMM can't think of any right now. Lol not a rich girl yo

Babe, Don't your bf mind u had a couple of intimate partners before him? Mine minds quite a lot even till now. Sometimes he will even compare. Sigh.

Hmmm talk to your bf about it? Not healthy to always compare :)

Hi shenny, can i know how long did the fillers and botox tat u had done lasts?

Errr my chin one still have! Nose I think its gone?? Not sure about botox LOL cuz botox u cant feel it so idk if it disappeared~~
But usually lasts 6months-1year!

For your new launch, the floral chiffon shredded kimono. is it the same as Hollyhoque's Fringe kimono?

Slightly different! Prints about the same, but mine has fringe but hollyhoque one doesn't!


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