
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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hello shenny, i like the photos u and jj took at the trick museum! you guys are so creative!! ^^ so cute and funny haha

Hahahahhaa IKR. I love trick art musuem! But i felt that the one in Seoul had more stuff to take pics with than the tokyo one.. but its okay!! Both were fun ^^ :)

Hello Shenny!is the dress from the recent post from hervelvetvase? what size are u wearing and how is the fit like? thanks!

Yes! Wearing size S, fits perfectly!

Yes I watched already! That video is good cos it's a complete look. But I really would love to learn how to draw the brows you have... Cos in the recent general video, the part on brows is not specifically on brows so I couldn't really catch a ball, haha, thank you okay!

Okay I will try to do one when i'm free ^^
Btw to the person who asked if my hair bleed purple when I bathe.. Yes it does! But it was surprisingly very minimal as compared to the previous 2 purple I dyed!

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do you use double eyelid tape on your eyes in recent photos on your blog? I can't tell! :x

Yes I did!! Hehe. Have the habit of using double sided eyelid stickers nowadays cuz I wna push my natural double eyelids even further up so that my eyes will look bigger!!

Does your hair colour fade? As in do you "bleed" purple dye when you wash your hair?

I think you gonna say i am damn gross but I have only washed my hair ONCE so far since I dyed!! I have the habit of not washing my hair for 2-3days after I colour my hair cuz I believe that way, the colour stays longer. LOLOLOL. Eeww I am very gross I know....
Hmmm for that one wash... I was super tired so honestly i didnt realise if i bleed purple out. Heh. But i think it should bleed purple la.. the past few times when I had purple, everytime when i bathed, the purple dye will bleed for about 1week??
But then again.. this is a different hair purple cuz its using 'acid colour' and not dye. Lol i am not very sure!! I try tonight and let u know again!!

Do u feel sad that u nv grad w jj together ? Are u planning to he sia interview again

YES OF CUZ SAD LA.... :( Regarding SIA.. haha idk leh. See how lor~

shenny shenny, you look so pretty with dark coloured hair ;)

Hello hello!! Awww so sweet, thank you!! But I also can't wait for it to lighten after a few washes.. hahahaa. I think I am used to seeing myself in light coloured hair. So many people said its the first time they have seen me in such a dark coloured hair ever since I grad from JC. lol

Are you always out with jj? Never meets friends one meh?

Haha if my friends ask me out then I'll meet them lor.. sometimes when my friends wanna meet up I alr have stuff on or i'm in school... sometimes i also like to be alone at home and do my own stuff (like blogging and sitting down answering your questions lol).
Aiya i anything one la.. got meet then meet lor. dont meet then sua. Sometimes my friends also never bother to ask me out cuz they think I'll be with Jj so yeap.

Do you think you love JJ more or JJ love you more?

LOL. How can u ask sucha question... haha but honestly I think Jj loves me more. But i do love him also la!! But i think he teng me alot!

What is the DRx procedure you did? Pls share! Looking forward :)

Yes I will share it soon! probably end of next week when I have finished editing the pics and all :)

Can you do a tutorial on how to draw your brows? Thanks!

Okay I will try when I have the time! But the recent makeup tut also shows how I draw my brows, maybe u can watch that ?

Why lecturer need to be an experienced cabin crew? Trach about flights and all?

I think its about customer service and other related stuff~

Why didnt your sis continue with sia?

Too attached to the baby so don't wanna go back fly lor. If she's back flying, half the month she wont be in sg, who's gonna look after the baby?

Does JJ finds you too princess-sy?

Jj: I find her princess-sy when she says she wants a white horse and carriage for her wedding day.. but other than that, if it's within my means I'll try to give her what she wants.
Liked by: Weizhen Allie

Do you think JJ would find someone new in his workplace?

Jj: NO why would I find someone new in my work place. My schedule is so damn full, work study gym. Already so little time for Shenny!

hi shen, do u mind asking around who is in lee kuay kiang micro classes? do u know his days and timings? thx alot!

What????? Why not u ask around urself!? Lol I got my own micro teacher alr why I wna bother abt lee kuay kiang....

hi!! what shade are you using for the laneige snow bb?

Hii!! I'm using the lightest shade (no 13) and it's the perfect shade for me!! :D.

where did you go to plan your flight itinerary (i.e. website) ?! I mean how do you manage to find flights $650 for your japan/hk trip? it's amazing please!

I call it the Shenny travel agency. LOL
Just gotta research lor...compare different flights (input same dates but different airlines and compare prices).. check out how to travel internally and what are the cheapest options.. hehe. I always do stuff like these so I guess I'm used to it. Lol like jj and my friends always just dump to me and let me plan!!

I actually prefer the days when you had dark brown hair and the make up back then. looks cooler? I suppose :x but anyway, I love the "realness" of your blog (:

Lol, I guess everyone has their own preference... no matter what I do, I can't please everyone. Some prefer my blonde hair now and some still like me in dark brown so yeah. I guess i cant constantly change myself just to please everybody
Anyway, yea thank you! Hahahahah don't quite understand what you meant by 'realness' of my blog.. I supposed its like I am damn frank. lol I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you! ;)

Your guide to Bangkok is great! So informative! love it <3 *sorry this is not a question hahahah

AWW THANK YOU and I hope the guide was useful for you! :)
Actually I feel like its quite outdated because there are SO MANY shopping places and cafes and restaurants waiting for me to explore!! I can't wait to head to Bangkok soon!! ^^


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