
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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Hey, I have just been researching about a blogshop called stargazingwithyou and I came across your ask.fm. I just want to know how is the service at stargazingwithyou? Are they reliable? Did you receive your items promptly?

Hello!! Yes they are reliable And soooo cheap!!!! I expected items to reach like in a month, as of all pre order but surprisingly it came within 2weeks. Somemore they apologise to me that it was delayed. Means perhaps you'll receive in a week or so? :)

why did karena wanna go holiday with you and your bf?! she just randomly wanna tag along? I feel awkward for you all....................

No laaa I'm fine one!!!! :) why cannot go tgt. More the merrier what :D but we honestly didn't hang out much cuz karx always wna roam around alone..

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Where did your bf get his pug from!! So cute!

Not very sure!! His brother saw some seller selling it online!! ;)

Stephanie and karena left you out? :( Cheer up!!

Hahaha felt a bit of that way :( but it's okayyy. I'll be okay after awhile. Just for that moment I'll feel abit sad and disappointed ;)

Go Bare face the next few days to come since you're back in Singapore. Makeup really harms the face sometimes. Don't worry, still pretty as ever! (: hope your face gets better soon'

Hello!! Yea... since my computer is now repaired and internet is up and running... I guess I'll be home 24/7 editing pictures, blogging... and doing research for my upcoming trip and business :D Hopefully my face gets well soon *PRAYS* Anw, thank you so much!! :)

Shenny! Do you boyf go clubbing with his friends without you?

I think there was only one time when he clubbed without me!! His friends always jio me one leh.. like if I don't go they'll ask me why I'm not there ;)

your makeup so many things, no wonder your skin look so nice la :(

LOL. Life of a girl ma.. in Sg normal makeup it'll be lesser. The one on the video was a lil heavier cuz I know I gonna take a lot of pics when I'm travelling and I wanna look my best in pictures :)

how do you stay so slim! (:

Sadly, I'm not slim at all!! I still wna shed off so much weight but am soooo lazy to exercise :( maybe u could try jogging, building muscles by training with weights (muscles burn fats), climb the stairs, eat clean??? :D

Do you go shopping alone when you are in singapore ? What are some of places you'll go when you are alone to shop?

If its for clothes kind, I'll go to town (fep, ion etc!!) Or bugis. Shop alone can be quite fun and therapeutic at times!!! :D

shenny you look so cute in your makeup video!!! your face looks really small and flushed haha ^^

Hello!!! Awww thanks for ur kind words... but my face is sooooo round like hum-jing-peh!! :(

Hello shenny! May I know roughly how much money did you bring for your Japan trip (excluding air tix + hotel)? I'm thinking of travelling there this year end but I don't know how much to bring!

I brought $1500 for 13days!! Kinda just nice IF you don't shop too much... but if u wna like splurge and have more room to spend/eat and dont feel so restricted etc.. please bring more!!!

do you have stretch marks? how can i get rid of them? i tried losing weight but the marks are still there! :(

YES I DO :( so sad horrr idk keh I heck them... they are at the side of my hips area/butt... hahahah so gross :( maybe try bio-oil?? Heard its good but not sure if it really works..

We don't know each other. We've never met, never even spoken, but your photo caught my eye and ended up on your profile. And let me tell you, you're so, so beautiful. Unbelievably gorgeous. Any guy who has you is the luckiest person in the world. You're just perfect and I wish I knew you. <3 A

Hihi, you're too kind with your words... I'm far from what you described but still thank you!! :)

may i know what brand is ur highlighter palatte from? and the colour code of ur etudehouse bb cream? thank you

Hello! It's also from Etude house but I got it from Korea.. my friend told me she couldn't find it in Singapore :( I think I'm using the 2nd shade for the bb cream if im not wrong! U can test the shade on ur skin :)

Did you wish Pierre for his bdae?

Uh no I was in Tokyo... hahah why every year confirm get this question one!

do you shop online? if so, which blogshops do you go to/ shop at?

Sometimes... like if I see something I like then I'll buy! I usually shop at hervelvetvase. . But there are other sites which I like such as thetinselrack, aforarcade. Actually I shop random one leh! Sometimes I'll see some pictures on fb and if I'm interested then I'll link to the website :D

how do u and jj dance in clubs?

LOLOLOLOLOL just dance laaaa hahahahah omg anyhow shake to the music!!

Haha I just found a motivation for now, I'm planning to finish up what I'm studying then I'm 'allowed' to see your new makeup post :p hehe


Any tips to keep yourself awake to study ? My term tests coming ~

Not really :( I find it hard to stay awake to study as well zzz. Maybe get urself in an uncomfortable position lol so difficult to sleep?? Usually I'll motivate myself by like giving myself a time goal. Like when the clock strikes 4pm I'll get a 10min break or smth?? :D


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