
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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Shenny I realized you went to BKK with all your BFS!!!

LOLLLL but I also went with my family before and friends like Yanzhen and Stef!!!

Hi shenny, if your bf is studying overseas and he went for a music festival would you be okay with him letting a female friend sit on his shoulder and her posting pictures on fb? Trying to decide if it's okay or not sigh.

TOTALLY WONT BE OKAY WITH IT!!!! I'd rage lolololol

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Shenny! what is jasmine doing now

She just quitted her FT time job and is studying her degree in Kaplan if I'm not wrong!!

Help I've just been called for an intern interview. What do I wear for smart casual? ><

Hmmm not sure if you're a male or female but for interview, wear something formal better, or at least like this:

A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. It can brighten even the darkest day. Smile more and spread the happiness, show us your smile too~❤️

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u and Steph still friends?

Why is everyone asking this?! lol
Of cuz we are still friends la!!!! lol. Albeit there are changes now but I still treat her as a friend and I hope she still do treat me as one too....?

How to tactfully ask a friend to return me money that he or she owes me? Around 200 plus and I'm in dire need of cash... just don't wanna affect our friendship leh but I need the money back asap... he/she said can only pay bavk next month.. :(

Ask ur friend return half first?? say you also really in need of cash lor

Hi, may I know what is the model of the camera you are using and the apps you use for your video editing . Is so well done :)

I'm using Olympus epl7. video edited using imovie

Did mr lawyer pay anything for the bkk trip?

He paid for all my meals~ and when I ran out of cash (cuz I shopped too much LOL) he passed me his SGD spare cash he brought along lor lol

omg H is so nice to you! help you take pictures and all without complaining! :')

Hahaha yes he's nice!!! sometimes he'll whine a bit la if weather hot/take a million shots and I'm still not satisfied but generally he's very happy to help me take photos! esp when it turns out nice he'll be very happy lol

read jemmawei's latest post!!

Just read! love the post!
" Found what makes you happy? Great. Now, don’t impose your standards on others. What makes one person happy can be radically different from what makes another happy. Be happy on your own terms, and remember that that’s exactly what it is: your own terms. Not your mother’s. Not your best friend’s. Not that random acquaintance you have that you feel would be much better off living on your terms. If you feel empowered and confident upon realising that natural beauty is the best, good for you – but nobody else really wants to hear it, especially not the girl who loves her daily eyeliner fix. Don’t be hating on the guy who goes to the gym everyday and drinks protein shakes if it makes him happy. Leave the classmate you know who got her nose did alone. It is important to find what makes you happy and valuable on your own terms, but it is equally important not to oppress others with your newfound standards of value and happiness."

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do you have any tips to maintain/get a flatter tummy?

Nahhh. I am so chubs I am totally the wrong person to ask :'(

Hi can you please share which level of union mall did you get your gold and black sandals please? :")

I think its 4th floor?? There's this level alot of shoes one. They have it there!

Does Mr lawyer find it irritating that he must always help u in taking a video or ootd pic .(I am making an assumption that it's him who took the pic after watching the bkk video ) I mean like some guys don't really like girls who always take selfie la take pic La.They find it irrtating and not n

Hahaha he doesn't leh. He's more like intrigued by it :O LOL
But he ever once said la.... he hope that one day, he and I can have just ONE holiday whereby I don't have to take any pics for ig or blog or anything. Just.... a pure relax vacation~ Hahhaha so I told him I think when I am old, i doubt i will still take pics so he said okay one day when we are old, we will have that one picture-less vacation lol

Can't wait to see all your ootds in the NM apparels! ^^ Just curious how many items do you get to choose each time? :)

Don't really have a limit!! Hahaha if got nice one I just take lor! :) hahahaha


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