
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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how and when u meet your current boyfriend?

Met him last year end of Aug~ I met him through a mutual friend!

you are so so so gorgeous, how to be so pretty like u ? :(

Awww so kind but I'm not really!!!! Just be yourself ^^ and makeup helps a lot!!
Liked by: Valentina

Hi do u have a habit of deleting your ex bf photo on instagram?

Nah. not so lame and free to do that lol

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Hewatt always give that stern smile! Reminds me of my dad. Doesnt like smiling at all. Lol and he is a lawyer too. Maybe all lawyers like that ah eh. HAHAHAHAHA

YAHHHH!!! he doesnt like to take pics lololol I had to force him for this photo :( lol

You usually bring 1k?

No la i won't bring so much cuz I control my shopping!!
I'll be going bkk tmr and also only bring $500!

hv u & lawyer quarrel b4???

Not really ~ minor bickers here and there which will be okay in 5mins lol.
nothing too major

Your bf is okay with you posing and showing your cleavage on insta? my bf don't like :)

Hahaha he's the one who took the photo for me LOL. Yup he's okay with it!! he's very open la!!

u got a bit affected when u hear ur ex get together with a new girl? example jj and zac. i think will a bit affected le... dunno hw to describe the feeling one

Yup I get what you mean.... but I'm also happy for him la :)

500 will be enough right for 4d3n haha I was thinking too if $500 is enough but I don't want ended up w too much Thai baht too

500 is definitely enough.... but it might NOT EVEN BE ENOUGH if u shop a lot!!! lol
if you don't wanna control your shopping and wanna go all out... I suggest bring 1k LOL. But if u wanna control here and there, $500 is enough!

what's your skin type? im got super oily skin like after 1 hr my WHOLE FACE is invaded with oil

I have very sensitive skin!!! Sometimes it gets oily too. but sometimes it dries up lol. My skin type is damn confusing one but its damn sensitive lol

Do you think guys and girls can be purely platonic friends?

Why cannot!!! I have so many good guy friends!

HAHAHA but is it normal too even if haven't go on date? Or shld work harder? I'm a female

Hmmm. I really dk......... :( try to make more male friends?

so the trip that u went to like japan/hongkong is with jj? WHY BREAK UP OMFG SO SWEET LIKE OTP I SWEAR

Recent trip alone. 2years ago one yeap with Jj. hahahaha


Language: English