
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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Are you like a 34D already? I'm uk6 and 32C but my boobs still dont meet in the middle :(

OMG NOOOO!!! where got so big I'm only a full 34B? hahahaha babe u UK6 C cup damn big leh!!

what are your 3 current fave makeup/skincare items? (: and what are the next 3 things you have an eye on?

3 favourite: Etude house eyeliner, 3CE concealer & IDS sunblock!
I'm not really eyeing on any beauty/makeup currently, more like eyeing on bags and shoes HAHAHAH

is blogging sufficient to support you full-time?

Hmmm if have a Lil more advs maybe more sufficient LOL since I spend quite a lot I feel. But I wished my NN cheques come in note regularly.... takes almost 1.5-2months to come after cashing out so every time wait till pekchek hahahaha

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you're just a small fry as compared to other bloggers, who are 100% real & down-to-earth. & that's MELISSACELESTINEKOH <3

Lol last I know, I don't think I ever said that I was a big shot.......???? What's w all the comparison, I don't get you
If u hate me so much, why spend the time and effort to even come to my askfm to leave such comments..

i wonder, if you are really sincere/honest when answering to our qns. i strongly believe pictures can speak a thousand words. so why can't you just admit coolly that you do wear pushup bras? do you think your followers are blind?

LOL. Does what bra I wear really of your concern?? And like I said I only have a few?? but the ones I wear regularly are not pushup. Some more I wear nubra how to push sia its a sticky bra pad.
u crazy lehhhh...

it will be a waste if u sleep a lot during your oversea trips ???

HAHAHA I AGREE!!!! so usually I'll catch my sleep when I'm on the move, like on the train/car/taxi etc . I always fall asleep almost immediately LOL

Do you pick and choose your friends?

If it happens, it happens!! I'm usually quite shy to start a conversation with someone I don't know, but once I get started... I think I'm pretty sociable and makes friend easily!!

Have a lovely day today! And if it's already night at your place, have a great day tomorrow! ^__^

And to you too!! HAVE A GREAT DAY :)
Liked by: ABC

Thank You Shenny for sharing your Boracay trip on your blog. the pictures are damn nice! continue to blog more often ok. love reading your blog ?


How is your English compared to your BF? Or do you converse in Mandarin chinese?

No la we converse in English! He's better than me, after all he's educated in the UK before lol

just curious if the nubra will drop when u wear it?

Nope it won't!!! Its damn sticky leh quite hard to drop!

Shenny!! For diploma, between business admin and accounting and finance.. Which will you go for? Btw.. i have no background for both.. any kind suggestion and advise? Or by any chance have u taken acc and finance? How is it like? Ty!!

Hello! My degree was banking and finance!
if I were you, maybe I'll go for Business for diploma, then take something in depth like banking or accounting when in University :)

In How I Met Your Mother, a topic came up abt "Reachers" and "Settlers" theory in a r/s, basically there's always one who is reaching for the out of league bf/gf and the other settling down. http://elitedaily.com/dating/sex/the-settler-and-the-reacher-relationship/ Which do you think you are? (:

lol, hmmm honestly I think I'm the settler. Hahahaha but it doesn't matter la cuz like what the article said, you need to know when to push and when to relax.
I quote this from the article - "When you enjoy even sitting in a quiet room with someone, saying absolutely nothing, that is when you know you’ve found the right person" so I think I have found the one :)

Was watching your boracay vlog and I was just wondering how you wear the dresses? With a strapless bra? Cos I have similar dresses but I don't want the bra strap showing yet I always find my strapless bras dropping down and I have to keep pulling it up.

I usually wear strapless bra, mine are from La Senza.
If the dresses are bareback, I'll wear nubra! I wear the cloth nubra kinds. hope it helps!

Babe, how long before u think sex is appropriate? I'm only together for a week with him and he's asking for it already.

I think its really up to the individual/up to you? I don't think I'm in any position to advice you..... I mean, its your life, its your choice :) just do what you think feels right :)

You went through some procedures, it doesn't have to be knife. Fake nose lol

lol. You have to understand fillers only last 6months to AT MOST a year. Its been 2years since I did mine so.... ITS FUCKING NATURAL NOW??? My nose was already sharp to begin with ok?
lol why did i even bother explaining to you.

How is your plastic nose doing?

lol wtf my nose is as real as can be. Never been under the knife before so watch your words

So do you blame joanne peh for splitting 715 and xsg up?

Errrrrr no?? its none of my business at all why would I care lol

Mad awesome babe. You've become way more confident.

Awww so sweet!!! I really don't think I have become more confident though... esp if I'm alone, I'll be awkward turtle hahahaha
but I'm trying to improve myself! Thank you for the encouragement :)

Your assets seem to be getting bigger leh. Any secret tips?

Hahahaha eat more and become fatter!!! LOL you'll gain weight everywhere including ur assets lor lol.
but gain weight is easy, losing is so freaking difficult T_T


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