
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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how long has your nose fillers been???

LOL I confirm chop my nose no more fillers. Its been almost 2years. Confirm 100% gone since it can only last max 1 year lololololol

Are u for or against the idea of knowing ur bf through the social media?

Kinda against. If I can know him through there, any girls would be able to get to know him too ma right!
But sometimes it really depends on the situation and stuff. Sometimes we just don't have control over certain things yknow

Have u ever tried to matchmake steph before?

Lol not really. She also been liking someone for sometime le, what for match make her with others.. And I don't think there's any of my friends that she'll like lor lol

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Hi there, I hope you have a wonderful day! *Sends some love~♥ * ^^

Liked by: ABC

Hello shenny, what primer do you use? my face gets oily easily, what do you recommend? :D and i saw your profile on sgtalent!!!

Hello! Omg what's sgtalent lololol. I'll Google later!!
I use the Etude House Face Blur for my primer!

HAHAHAHA its called curvy :) dont worry cheers

Hahahaha yah I'm damn curvy I wished I'm a Lil less curvy though!!! I don't look good in some clothes that I really like due to my hips :(

hi shenny.. wanna ask how did you move on after P? i had an ex for about 4years, someone else is interested in me now and while I do feel quite ok towards him, I fear tt going into rs will just cause more hurt in the end and I don't know if I can love the new guy as much as I loved my ex..

Hi dear!!! I know how you feel but you really need to let time work its wonders :) You will definitely move on one day.. You'll just keep the beautiful memories with your ex and learn to love the new guy!
if you think you're not ready to embrace a new guy and a new relationship, ask him to give you more time? if he really loves you, I'm sure he'll understand and give u the space you need.
Or else, I would stay take a leap of faith and try it!! you'll never know ;) if it goes well, good for you! if it doesn't, well... at least a lesson learnt and at least you know you tried and there's no regrets!
All the best!!!

Hey Shenny just wanna say you have very nice legs :)

Hello!!! thank you for your kind words but NOOOO omg my legs are far from it. So fat :(

which country will u or wish to travel next?

but that will probably take some time cuz its gonna be extremely $$$$$$$

do u understand "Lu Jia Bui Liao?" in hainanese?

Ermmzz I need to hear it. The way u type like hanyupinyin I can only imagine it to be a Chinese phrase

What about Cantonese? :)

I don't speak Cantonese! The only dialect I can converse in is Hainanese! Hokkien I can roughly understand but can't really speak in it~

Yesss Shenny, please update your items on Carousell! Would love buy since I'm about the same size as you... :)

Hhahaha okay sure!!!! I'll try to set one up ASAP ?

Is every Singaporean can speak Melay well including u ?

Nope! Not all learn Malay... I learn mandarin and know nuts about Malay.

Hi Sheeny, do you have a Carousell acc? :)

Hello! Nope I dontttt. I should start having one right to sell my clothes hahahahaha.

just saw an Colgate advertisement picture of u and your dad. is that really u?

Its not Colgate, it's Oral B. and yes that's me.

What do you usually do on weekends?

rest up/blog/watch shows/dinners...
hahahaha usually I prefer nuaing LOL

just saw your cleavage picture in instagram! nice assets u still have ???

LOL no la its the angle hahahaha


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