
Shenny Yang

Ask @shennyyang

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hey can i jst ask if i can dress scary for uss halloween or not????? will they forbid entry?

You can't! Most u can wear is like a headgear or something.. no mask or costumes allowed!

Hi :) did u study part time or full time in uni??

Full time but I only have classes on 2 days out of 5 hehe :)

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Any night markets in bkk? With food and all ?

I haven't been to BKK for so long, I AM ABOUT TO BREAK DOWN. LOL
anyway.... here are a few night markets you may wanna go: Patpong/ Khao San Road/ Huai Kwang NIght Market/ Asiatique.

Do u feel is fated that u didnt pass ur uol and sq test together? Can see that u are a overcomer. How did u do that? :)

Yes, somehow~ I always wonder to myself what if I had passed my medical test (means got into SQ) and then i didn't pass my final exams. I would be such a difficult situation. So i guess its a blessing in disguise!
I was super sad the first few days when I received the rejection letter/results.. but u know, how long can you be crying/being so sad and feeling so sorry for youself. No point crying or harping over it since nothing's gonna change the fact! Buck up and try harder again the next time! Life's too short to always be unhappy :)

What's a good skincare product for girls in the early 20s? :)

Personally I am using Sk-II! I have tried countless of products but they are not as good as Sk-II! My pores are smaller, face is smoother and i have lesser blackheads and bumps on my nose!! I love the Sk-II miracle water!! :D

what is the coldest country you have been to? Is it like super super cold?

USA in December!! It was actually quite okay but SUPER COLD when I was in Grand Canyon... it was snowing?!?! nearly died there lol lol cuz I didn't expect it to be so cold!

Do you think JJ is much more outstanding than you? Do you feel insecure?

Lol i think its subjective to say who is more outstanding than who... but nope I don't feel insecure! YI GE CONFIDENT lol

hi shenny! hope you dont mind me asking this altho i think you might have answered this before :( whenever i use my g12 at night, it is super grainy and blur? may i know how did you adjust for your g12 to look so clear even at night? my cam is always on auto mode cos idk how to play around with it:(

Hello! Actually i am also a camera noob leh i always use auto mode as well!! :<
Anyway if u realised.. some of my pics also grainy. For night shots, if you dont use flash CONFIRM GRAINY AND BLUR!! Only when u use flash then its clear!
For night time, i usually like to change the mode to P(program) mode, and then set the flash to slow sync~ This way when u flash, the background wouldn't black out but you'll still be able to see some of the background and thats how u form the light streaks as well if u swirl the cam around~ :)

How much does the Brazilian waxing cost?

I got it during a promotion 3 for $100~ So just keep renewing whenever my 3 times is up. Not very sure whats the normal price of it!

Shenny, what type of job would you like to do when u graduate?

GOOD QUESTION. I still can't figure out myself. I hate a normal 9-6pm routine job its so mundane!! I like flexibility, meeting people, travelling around the world which makes air stewardess an ideal job AS OF NOW.
But then if i were to just fly 2 years and quit... it wouldnt be very beneficial on my resume. I mean air stewardess is not really value adding yknow? And then 2 years later if i were to join the banking sector again, all of my peers would be already 2 years ahead of me and I'll be getting a miserable pay again. Argh very frustrating!!

Would u like to be in a Short Film ?

lol sounds very dubious to me but if its nothing dirty, u can drop me an email!

hello! would like to ask if its possible to purchase DRx products without consultation? thanks!

Yes I think so! U can ring them up to check before heading down to buy the products to double confirm!

is your botox like surgery? why u wanna do plastic surgery? must love yourself!

NOOO how is it plastic surgery?!! Its called aesthetic procedures leh.. plastic surgery is like permanent and u go through under the knife, and you will have ur entire head wrapped like like a pig head for 2weeks or so~
Mine was just injections.. and recovered almost immediately like within an hour! I definitely love myself, but no harm in trying to improve/enhance your looks if you're given the chance, right?

any recommendation for brazilian waxing?

Not really leh. I always do mine at Concorde Hotel.. there's a small parlour there and I like it la. feels more homely and private. Hehe. Or u can try STRIP although I don't really like their services there~

hi shenny, i am on exchange with my bf. Like when we are nuaing tgth etc, he rather be playing his comp. He says we spent too much time tgth etc. what do you think? thanks!

Hello!! I think its true laaa. Maybe because in the day etc.. you guys already spent alot of time exploring places together. So when nua-ing, your bf just wants a 'me' time, just doing his own things or things he likes.
For my bf and I.. when i nua at his house we are also doing our own things. He'll be playing his computer games and I'll be on the laptop either blogging/watching shows etc. Sometimes he'll accompany me and watch my shows but he'll be like "Eeeww u and your boring korean dramas" and off he goes to play his comp games again. Hahahah!
Liked by: Julian Tay

is it true that to work for redbull you need a driving liscense?

U don't necessarily need to have one.. since it'll be one girl driving and one girl on the passenger seat. However if you have a license.. ur chances of getting into Redbull is higher :)

hiiii, where did you purchase the medicine for blackhead removal? thanks!

Hello!! Ehhh idk if there's medicine for blackhead removal.. but there's alot of facial scrubs out there to remove blackheads. or u can also try the Biore Pore Pack removal :)

its so difficult to meet the kind of guys i like :( how

What kind of guys do u like?? I guess maybe u need to take and give.. its hard to find someone perfect yknow! Goodluck xx


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