
Shianne Colleen

Ask @shi_colleen015

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Why are you and Andi friends? She's a FREAK

Wooooah, language. No one can call her a freak except me and that's cause I love her. We've been through a lot and we have a friendship that's stronger than anything, deeper than an explanation worth trying to explain. I don't even know how to answer that question because I literally love her more than life itself, always have always will no matter what happens between us. Like I said, I dunno how to answer that because it's so personal between is and I don't even know lol

Why do you act like a totally different person when you're around guys?

Do I?? I'm pretty sure I act the same around everybody

I wish my life was as simple as yours!

Haha my life is so not simple, quite complicated! What makes you think it's so simple?

You looked sexyyy tonight in your neon attire;)

Just followin the theme night to support our school! But thank yuh much :)

What annoys you the most about high school

That people need to make up things about you to ruin your reputation because they're mad at you or jealous or whatever, or talk crap about you to your friends. And then the fact that some of your closest friends don't have the guts to stand up for you when you aren't there to defend yourself


Language: English