

Ask @simplykenz

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That one day you got pants'd in the hall way at Kellogg was a great day, you have a nice ass just to let you know ;) thank god for thongs :')

AHHHHH. WHO IS THIS?! Thongs >>>

Ship me to South Korea with the label North Korea? I don't think that's how it works...

Watch yourself

What if a box shows up at your house? Lol

I'll put you in the box and ship you to South Korea with the label of North Korea

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Unless.. Lol Nevermind! I'm glad I can cheer you up! I'll probably drop a compliment every once in a while!

Hahaha okay :) I don't mind!

Sorry it's probably better to stay anonymous...

Darn... well thank you whoever you are for cheering up my night(:

Too shy to say but keep being who you are and the world will become a whole lot better place.

DM or tweet me quickly please? You can delete your tweet once I see please.. and thank you for being so kind

You make a lot of people happy. More than you could imagine. Thanks

Who are you such kind person?!? <3 no, thank you

What's the longest you've gone without a boyfriend? A day?

10 months actually, thank you for your concern

On a scale of 1-10 how honest are you?

A solid 8, I can be brutally honest or honest enough to make sure no feelings are hurt

So remember when we were supposed to have the brownie contest ? Well I made brownies but I guess you wouldn't want any cause they were very special ;) do you still want to have the same contest ?

I don't like your special brownies :(


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