Jachin Harte


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Who would make a worse boyfriend, Shen Woo or Jin Kisaragi?

shen woo, shen woo is a thug. are you about that life?

you wanted to play labrys at some point right? share your secret tech I know you have some

ummm, standing combo > ex chain follow-up into 2a/fuzzy jA/ left right with jB

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when is the beach

sometime in June or July, we are gonna have an anime tournament. on the beach. literally.

Tits or ass?

this question is way too hard :(
uuuuhhHHHHHHhhhhhh shit how can you do this to me, 50/50!


wow stay ass devastated with inferior taste

What do you think of Melee?

i can get fucking hype for melee, though ive never really played it competitively myself. never really watched it until apex (which was godlike)
i think its perfectly viable as a competitive game, i dont really feel the same way about brawl though haha

What are a few things that you practice regularly or would stress that other players should in P4A?

really, as long as your execution is down pat (im really not a good example of this) there really isnt much to practice. I think when you reach a certain strength (game&player strength) the mentality changes to "train smarter, not harder". So knowledge will generally benefit you more than raw practice. Of course, if you want to play a little to implement that knowledge thats a thing too.
if anything i would say practice confirming situations and reacting quickly. Random playback is a godsend. Being able to dp vs counter assault on reaction, etc.
that and high execution stuff/setups! you dont want to mess those up :(

What do you think of UNIB? Looks fun?

i think unib looks absolutely hilarious. it looks fun if you think marvel is fun, i guess.

What do you think of MB? Do you think it's a good game? Do you play it?

I like melty blood! I tried to pick up AA but it was a really casual attempt, at that point i didnt really play stick and i tried to play a hold char (lol) so i didnt get very far. I kinda just stopped cause other games and all ;(

you're not even good what's the deal with that

i heard theres this strong mitsuru player down in florida who was gonna come up and take winter brawl and apex but i dont think he ever showed since i won both of those tournaments

skd you're fucking awful yukari tamura is crying in the corner and there's nothing i can do to fix it now >:I

dude is she crying in that high pitched voice seriously ughHHHH

same person who asked about the "common flaw" - That was some amazing advice. Thank you. Also, your random appearances in random stream chats are the best.

stay free fanatiq

yo this isnt even the same person but damn youd kill TD just like that haha. Anyway, what do you think is the most common thing that mid level players do or most common flaw that prevents them from being top level

a lot of people have misconceptions or lapses in understanding that are really hard to address sometimes. I dont mean like, lack of knowledge. In bb a lot of people knew a lot about the game but interpreted and utilized information in pretty...strange ways.
simply put, you are playing the game. there are certain ways to do things, and certain considerations to make. its hard to figure out the "right" way to do something, but in my opinion it should be a logical step from the games constraints and situations first, THEN consideration of the player (human reaction speed, mixups, etc).
Playing those people who can flesh out those vices for you are really important, but at a certain point you should simply be able to logically deduce your issues. when you really cant do that anymore, you probably play well enough to be good, but that is just playing your character.
By applying that thinking to your decisions and judgment you can probably improve as a player! And being a strong player will bring you much farther than specialized knowledge. The proper mindset and awareness of things that you need to consider while playing are vital to identify first. im sorry if this is confusing its late and im wording things awkwardly i know sorry gosh

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What advice would you give to a person who wants to go to his first major?

if you can, take a pillow or blanket (preferably both), prereg, check in as early as possible. and take a shower.
otherwise just take it easy! i stress out way too much when i go to majors, theres a lot of pressure to win and it really sucks out the fun of it.
dont even worry about going 0-2, fuck what everyone else thinks (nobody even really cares to be honest, SO many people HAVE to go 0-2 anyways, its just how the tournament works) just do your best, play a lot of casuals. when you end up placing, you end up placing.
for a few tournaments, ive had the feeling of "i have to win" and it really ruined apex for me among other things. just take it in stride, you end up where you end up. you might end up playing better! just do your best.

are you going to continue to grace tournaments with your GODLY presence (please! It'd be so boring without you!)? - everyone in the anime community (no, really, I promise)

locals only until bbcp :( i think im gonna hold off until the fall classic, my parents really want me to take a break too hahaha


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