
The 1975

Ask @thematthewhealy

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You really remind me of Lily Melrose (she's a vlogger/blogger))

this is like the third time I've heard this just this weekend haha. I'll take it as a compliment cause she's a babe but I look nothing like her really! x

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thank you so much <3 you are literally my favourite blog!

I'm not sure what you're thanking me for, but whatever it is you're welcome! :) xx

Is it just me or does the intro of Antichrist really sound like the Skins theme song?! I really love the song Antichrist just saying x

what Skins have you been watching?! I don't think it sounds anything alike?! haha. unless I've got the wrong theme tune in my head? either way Antichrist is amazing and I am praying SO bad they play it live in September x
Liked by: Ariana Grande

Oh my gosh I'm so annoyed with a lot of these girls in this fandom. Attacking Adam? Barbaric. Sorry had to vent to u because i feel like not many people get it. (Obviously or there wouldn't be this) problem.

I know right, it's shocking :( I'm sure he's fine it's just not nice y'know! x

Georges voice is so deep like it really gets me. When I watch an interview with Matty and George everytime it's so crazy when Matty talked and George after him.

haha :) x

to go to a 1975 concert you don't have to be over 18 right?

no, they have some 18+ shows it just depends on the venue. most are the standard 14+ x

do you know if the 1975 are coming back to Dublin? Been looking around but I don't think they are so just thought I'd ask:)

I only know what's listed on their website, if there's not a Dublin show on there then unfortunately not! soon though I'm sure :) x

I'm going to the venue like 3 hours before the concert to get a nice view. Do you think I'll get the chance to meet them, bc last year they were outside before the concert..

everyone has the chance to meet them, just don't pin your hopes on it cause there's always a possibility it won't happen. you just have to hang around and see what happens. x

hey sorry i'm a bit new haha, where they called any other names before Drive Like I Do? And do you know where i could find there old sings with their old names xx

the slowdown, big sleep, talk house. just have a look on youtube. I have a discography on my tumblr which has quite a lot of them linked x

sorry if someone's asked this before but do they play the same setlist at every show? I'm seeing The 1975 at Lollapalooza in a couple days so I was just wondering

they usually stick to a similar setlist yeah, they have a shorter one for festivals then a standard longer one for their own headline shows x

I'm going to the1975 concert in December how can I meet them ?

wait around at the venue and hope for the best

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

nothing? :( my life is just work and sleep haha x

do you find Jamie Dornan attractive?

yeah he's alright. I prefer the girl that plays Ana though haha x

hi i have a question.. do you know which shows from the 1975 coming up are 18+ ?

no I don't sorry. check with the venue x


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