
Cody Campbell

Ask @therealcodyc

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What do you find attractive in a person?

If they're outgoing, sassy, funny, and most of all, if they love the Lord.

Dude, answer my questions please.

If you're the person asking rude, harassing questions, those are not the type of questions I answer.

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What do you think of journaling to your future spouse?

I think it's a wonderful thing to do!
Honestly, I could say a bunch of stuff about it, really I think it's a great way to prepare yourself for when that special someone does arrive. It's one way to express your feelings toward them, and you tell them about things you want to do together, experiences you've had, whether or not you're having a good day, all of that and more.

How will you pay for your music vid?

Well, I'm fortunate enough to know a lot a people and friends in the film/music industry, so I'm probably gonna be asking for a bunch of favors at first. But if it comes down to money, I'm gonna trust that if God wants us to do something, He'll provide.
One idea is, we could start a Kickstarter campaign, and maybe raise some money for it. I guess we'll see when the time gets here for a music video.

What do you think people think of you?

It's not my job to worry about what people think about me. Do I still do it? Yes, I do. But all I need to do, is fix my eyes on Jesus, focus on Him, and He will take care me. Only His opinion of me actually matters.

When is your band going to post some videos of you performing?!

Well, we're just starting out, so it takes quite a bit of effort getting it all going, but we are right now selecting a song to practice and record, so we can make a music video for ya'll. :D
We're just as excited as you!! We can't wait to have something out there, so you can be sure we're working on it.
We can probably give a date out when it gets closer;)

Have you ever read any of the Free Jinger threads about your band member Raquel? Do you think that their impression of her of being super jealous and obsessed with guys is accurate?

It doesn't matter if I have read them or not, I don't need to hear what people 'think they know' about her. I know her personally and she's one of my best friends, so I know her way better than any other 'people' who think they can judge someone by just looking at an online persona. No she's NOT super jealous and obsessed with guys at all. But I can tell you something she is obsessed with...her savior Jesus Christ. So no, not accurate at ALL.
She's an amazing person that sadly people who start rumors may never have the pleasure of knowing. And she's a very beautiful girl that is looking forward to one day getting married and spending her life with her future man.
I'm tired of people assuming things, and thinking they know stuff about her just cuz she publicly says she's excited to get married, and she posts/tweets cute romantic things. I'm a hopeless romantic as well, so I love stuff like that too, doesn't mean that I'm obsessed with it. Everybody tweets things that they find cute or sweet, or cool.. whatever catches their eye, so don't go judging any one person by what they may post online. I can still love those people who start rumors, because Jesus loves me, and has forgiven me for the way I treated Him, and still make mistakes against Him. And I know Raquel can too. So to the people who are saying those things, stop. You have no idea who you're talking about, and how much the rumors you start can effect/hurt people, and yet, those people can still love you. You are blessed. Think about that.

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Don't give up! Stand strong! Seek His face and draw near to His loving side. Focus on His great and mighty love, don't focus on this world. Let His love wash away the pain and hurt. Rest in His arms. He loves you so much! Trust Him! Praying for you!

Thanks, who is this?

Okay, I watch porn and look at inappropriate pictures. How can I stop doing this?

To be completely honest, there is nothing YOU can do to stop. You can try to do it less, but Jesus is the only one who can free you from this struggle. He can, and He will, if you call upon His name. But don't think it will be easy, it's never easy to resist the devil, especially when you've given in so many times. But don't fear, there IS hope. You can get past this, with Jesus' help. Trust Him, do what you need to do, resist, don't give in, and He will carry you the rest of the way.
You need to place your attention on something else, get a hobby that takes your time away, and keeps you busy. Whenever you feel the temptation coming on, even the slightest bit, say no. Just say no and start praying, crying out to God to help you, maybe start reading your bible too.
Believe it or not, you can get through this, but the only way is with Jesus.

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What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

Their personality, wether or not they are outgoing or quiet, their smile, and if it's a girl, I always notice their eyes. ;)

What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

Nothing. There are things I would like to have right now, but God knows if I need them. His perfect timing will bring them in when I actually need them. Above all, I really only NEED Jesus, He is everything to me.

What can you do to make this world a better place?

Do whatever God has called me to do, which will bring Him the most glory. Nothing I can do myself will ever change the world, or make it a better place, except for what God has planned for me.

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Do I consider myself to be a creative person??! Duhhh!!!!!! Yes, yes I do.


Language: English