
Cody Campbell

Latest answers from Cody Campbell

What do you find attractive in a person?

If they're outgoing, sassy, funny, and most of all, if they love the Lord.

Dude, answer my questions please.

If you're the person asking rude, harassing questions, those are not the type of questions I answer.

What do you think of journaling to your future spouse?

I think it's a wonderful thing to do!
Honestly, I could say a bunch of stuff about it, really I think it's a great way to prepare yourself for when that special someone does arrive. It's one way to express your feelings toward them, and you tell them about things you want to do together, experiences you've had, whether or not you're having a good day, all of that and more.

How will you pay for your music vid?

Well, I'm fortunate enough to know a lot a people and friends in the film/music industry, so I'm probably gonna be asking for a bunch of favors at first. But if it comes down to money, I'm gonna trust that if God wants us to do something, He'll provide.
One idea is, we could start a Kickstarter campaign, and maybe raise some money for it. I guess we'll see when the time gets here for a music video.

What do you think people think of you?

It's not my job to worry about what people think about me. Do I still do it? Yes, I do. But all I need to do, is fix my eyes on Jesus, focus on Him, and He will take care me. Only His opinion of me actually matters.

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

Talk with Jesus, and usually after that, talk with one of my best friends. :)

Language: English