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utoramide's blog header? Yeah that thing is pretty unsettling. He's one of my followers. Be sure not to view his other posts if you don't like nsfw stuff. :D

I love it. XD

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hello veron... ups tora-chan... what do you think about this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydANJ5qLHG4&feature=share

I made a lot of posts in regards to this video and the backlash it received on my personal Facebook, so I'm just gonna copy a few of the statuses here because I have no wish to get worked up over it again.
In response to the video itself:
"On the fence about whether or not I like her attitude, but I like that she's honest, and you have to give it to her that she definitely knows what she wants and how she thinks. Not quite the XMM that so many people were claiming she was.
She does raise a lot of valid points about Singapore though, can't deny that since I angst about the same stuff 24/7 anyway. (Except for the Jack Neo part. I hate Jack Neo films with the burning passion of nine thousand suns.)
"So how safe is Singapore when people are killing themselves more than they are killing other people?" <- Okay this was amusing. And painfully true."
In response to the backlash, and of the many debates I had with people or read about:
"Singapore having art schools doesn't equate to Singapore being supportive of an arts education. For one, the art schools are private, for another, the limitation of the freedom to be creative in our education system is still a valid issue, and art has been and still is not seen as significant nor important to our government nor our people. So stop using that as your excuse to saying that everything is fine and dandy in the arts industry in Singapore."
"If you like this country, good for you.
If you hate this country, good for you too.
My point remains the same. Does it hurt you if someone likes vanilla when you like strawberry? No. So shut up."
There are a few other points I can make, but I'd rather choose to avoid any potential controversies because I don't wish to stir up any further shitstorm and invite unwanted attention on myself, so I'll leave it at this.

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err..this's quite hypotetical&hypocrite (maybe),but do you (before and after become agnostic) believe in cause&effect law (a.k.a karma)&what made you change your believe into agnostic?also before become one,what were your religion?my friend was a Buddhist before become agnostic,so that's why -

Andika Pramudita
Ahaha not sure why you'd think your question is hypothetical/hypocritical, but there isn't really any overly complex reason as to what made me identify as agnostic. My parents were previously both Buddhists, and as a child we did have an altar at home that we'd be asked to worship / make prayers etc. But as a child all of these were just going through motions that my parents instructed me to do, and I've never really felt any sort of connection to any deity or holy beings or faith of any sort. As I got older, my family went through some incidents that effectively nullified any sort of good feelings I have towards any existing deities that were supposed to be watching over us, and I sort of concluded that even if god(s) really exist, he isn't on my side, so that's kind of how I became agnostic. I supposed the only reason I'm not an atheist is pretty much just that I believe in the potential of possibilities in everything in life, so this little perspective keeps me from not believing in spiritual beings altogether.

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Niiiice gifts! Your seniors/juniors had fulfilled your dreams of owning a console I saw it when I was reading your past questions

;w; super grateful for the gifts, since I never had a chance to play through/complete games before.

Fine, if you don't want to make a snowman, we can settle on making a baby instead~

I prefer ending their existences.

ehh?I dunno much about vocaloid and pokemon,so would you mind telling us hime the explanation of similar personality between miku and eeve?haha

Andika Pramudita
Miku's really cheerful, hyper and energetic, and the poster-girl of Vocaloid, which I feel is the same of Eevee? Eevee being.. Eevee is of course, the most iconic of the Eevolutions, and as the baby of the family she/he's also the one that's usually seen as hyper and cheerful and carefree. Vaporeon on the other hand is typically portrayed as a dandere/cool beauty kind of character, although since Pokemon doesn't actually have any assigned personalities (unless you count Nature) so this is just fan fiction.

love to play FPS game? (like COD or Counter Strike) :3

not really, I'm super bad with directions, so I'm always getting lost in FPS games. the only remotely close one I've tried and liked is Silent Hill.

What League skins do you own? :3

;w; quite a few. I have Reverse Annie, Panda Annie, Winter Lulu, Arcade Sona, Zombie Zyra, Wildfire Zyra, Queen Ashe and another Ashe skin that I forgot. Not sure if I missed out any, I probably did :x
Liked by: Peh Xisheng


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