
Trap God

Ask @turtlelove1

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I always read bios. And I always get arrested for having sex with horses.... :c

aw aw :c
you could have sex with me and not get arrested c;
Liked by: Jake

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did wny thing good happen to you at the game??

acctually yea i was with katlyn and this like 5th grader was being an ass hole and shit so katlyn looks at him and says "just stop being a cunt" and im like lmao he says someting and she says "hush. you probably have some mental illness" so i say "extra chromosone much?" then sarah jumps in and says "hey little boy if you dont shut the fuck up im going to get that police officer over there to rape you inthe ass" *le little boy walking away*
Liked by: Bailey Evans

are you okay? i saw you at the game crying… in the rain…

actually no im not okay my friend kissed the one guy that i acctually like
my knee is all fucked up and im in extream pain
i honestly dont know anymore
icant deal with all of this shit
Liked by: NourAlhouri Blue kat?


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