
Emily Gera

Ask @twitgera

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I've really enjoyed your embedded journalism pieces when can we expect the next one?

In my next embedded journalism piece I go in the trenches by sitting on Ben Henley's sofa and discussing how having 1/8th African ancestry makes him the Rosa Parks of middle class Reddit users

My left ear is blocked. What should I do?

Apply one small desk vacuum and secure with tape then wait an hour until hearing returns or the Nam flashbacks begin.

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Your Twitter-Polygon head with the strange smile appears in some of my worst nightmares. Did you do that yourself?

That's a picture of Kryten from comedy series Red Dwarf!
Your TwitterPolygon head with the strange smile appears in some of my worst

How many things do you have in common with Michael Jackson?

I think I look more like Rolf Harris than I do Michael Jackson

Is that your drinks cabinet in the Polygon story on the Swedish teens?

That's a picture of what I use to lure Swedish teens into my basement

I mean, I am a girl, but I want to marry you

I'm between 33 to 65 percent into that depending on my blood-alcohol level

Do they have good pizza in the UK yet? Last time i was there they were puttin fucking slices of cheddar cheese and corn on that shit. Did they sort it out?

English pizza is made from the meat of the lower classes because we've decided it's too cruel to make them all live in Brixton

Who was the best Kid in the Hall? You can't pick Hitler.

The best Kid in the Hall is Dave. I don't even have a joke answer for that.

Sausage 2: Hypersausage is my favourite movie. What's yours?

My favourite film is Sausage Redemption where Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne crawls through a system of bratwurst filled tunnels to freedom where he begins his life anew in Mexico after offering the famous line: "Remember Red, sausage is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good sausage ever dies."

What's your favourite kind of sausage? I like square sausage but I can only get it in Scotland :(

Did You Know: If you combine 16 verticle square sausage slices to create a single sausage hypercube you can break through the barrier of time

What kind of Pokemon are you? How do you do the things you do?

I am every ones favourite pokemon The Ghostly Mangler my skills include painting gentle forest landscapes full of ghosts and understanding commands only in the ancient ghost language of Lithuanian

In what ways will Tinder change our lives (as a society) for the better?

drewholmes’s Profile PhotoDrew Holmes
Now that we've entered the heart of darkness we can finally understand what it's like to be Drew Holmes


Language: English