

Ask @tyr4nnicide

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what do you look like? your picture is hard to see :(

Blue eyes, shaved half my hair off, tall-ish, chubby and faggot smile.

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deleted your comment....wow

Better than starting up a pointless argument you were obviously trying to get going.

Would u eva have sex with a man??????

No, I wouldn't, but if someone else does, it's up to them...

no one you know really, im just curious. hope no one gets hurt. she better be a good gf.

Go on, inbox me on facebook or come off anon or something, you seem nice, up for a chat ;P And yeah she is, she's lush :-)

What was the last song you heard?

Either something by Parkway Drive or something off of Dillinger Escape Plan's new album...

dats good to have trust in relationship :) youll go far, suprising how many realtionships dont ave trust

I know, I hope so :-) And I know, I'm just lucky :-)

would you ever date a girl who self harmed/had self harm scars?

Well I'm happy with Izzy and I know she doesn't.. But yes, of course. I have before... I wouldn't think of them any differently as a person but I'd make sure I always did my best to keep them happy, as I would with any girlfriend and was always there to comfort them especially..

your tumblr just seems to be full of pierced and tattoo'ed girls aha

And bands! ;P But yes, a lot is haha.. Band/Piercing/Tattoo Blog :-) Piercings and tattoos are cool okay ;3 I didn't know anyone I actually knew even followed my tumblr haha, who's this? :P

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

I've already answered this ask.fm!
Their hands.

hey guess what, GUESS WHAT, annon person???? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i love kyle.

I love you Izzy ;3 <3 xxxxxxx

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Chris Fronzak. Although I'm pretty happy being me if I see Izzy ;3

Stop saying you "love" izzy, you to seem to have spark with her, but seriously, its been merely 3 weeks of you dating, saying you love her at this point makes u look childish and clingy im not saying your not a good couple im just sayin apply the breaks before one of you gets hurt...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkCjkm_nCJctyr4nnicide’s Video 40641343832 kkCjkm_nCJctyr4nnicide’s Video 40641343832 kkCjkm_nCJc
I'm perfectly happy. We'd liked eachother for a while so yeah... Just never had the balls to say anything. You're not one to tell me how I feel so I feel what I want. Thanks, bye.

If you could meet a famous person, whom would you like to meet?

Chris Fronzak again. He has to be the nicest, funniest, lushest, most genuine bloke I have ever met. Meeting him made my life and I'd do anything to have that 20 minutes again. But if it has to be someone I haven't met yet... Probably Serj Tankian :P


Language: English