
Vanessa Doofenschmirtz

Ask @vanessadoofenschmirtz

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When was the last time you wanted to scream? Explain

My dad made a shitty comparison to me and society and I was so angry I was pist. Yes, I wrote PIST!

What time do you usually wake up in the morning? Do you awaken naturally or need an alarm?

I wake up naturally around 6:45.

To what extent do others’ beliefs influence you? Why?

I'm not influenced by other peoples beliefs.

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Is it more important to you to look good or feel good? Explain

Feel good. Feeling good is rare but looking good does always make me feel better.

Are you a compulsive shopper or do you bring a list and carefully consider your purchases? Why?

I have a good memory. Through visualization of my cabinets and fridge I shop.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how controlling a person are you? Explain

6 I like things to go my way but I'm relaxed as well.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a perfectionist are you? Explain

5 I'm a perfectionist where it matters to me.

Do you care more about pleasing people or speaking the truth? Explain your answer

Speaking the truth. I like to please people but I'm blunt so I can't help telling it like it is even if it might hurt someone's feelings.

In what situations are you most likely to procrastinate?

Every situation. Some of my best work is captured under pressure.

Are you a person who has a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?

Close friends cause bitches be tripping.

Are you ever a high-maintenance person? Explain

When it comes to quality with technology. I'm a little booghee.

At what age do you hope to retire?

By 65. I like working. I'll work less if I someone have money. Real money where I can enjoy being on a fixed income with extras.

What’s something you regret losing, selling, or giving away? Explain why

I had a Vectrex counsel in mint condition and I sold it for 250$ I only regret it because I should have given it to my little brother.

Are you more of a rule breaker or a rule keeper? Why?

I'm a rule keeper usually. Because it's easier.

What’s something about yourself that you hope will change, but that probably never will?

My caring too much.

Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage in it head-on? Why?

Avoid it. I avoid it at all possible costs. If I can't than it is what it is.

How much of a shopper are you? Where’s your favorite place to shop?

I don't really shop. I don't have a favorite store. Maybe Target??? I go there more than other places I guess.


Language: English