

Ask @vinaangrm

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What is the most beautiful city you have ever visited?

I've never visited but most beautiful city for me is Makkah-Madinah

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

If I get an extra hour, I would use it for sleeping or reading my favorite novel

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Encourage them
Give suggestions / advice
Invite for hang out to forget the sadness, The point is that as the only way to encourage my friends

#hh prabowo/jokowi?

Sudahimi tnya tntang prabowo/jokowi jokowi/prabowo dsb ka biar pilihka salah satunya tdk dibutuhkanja:')

#hh cowok seagama tp tdk ganteng/cowok tdk seagama tapi gantengnya kebangetan

Cowok seagama yg ganteng haghagzz


Language: English