
Markus Persson

Ask @xNotch

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Have you heard of Project Spark? If so, what are your thoughts on it, and other "Drag and drop" coding platforms?

HolyStriker68’s Profile PhotoJonathan Knight
I think it's a somewhere in between a level editor and game development, and that's definitely an area that's interesting to explore. It'll probably hard to make middleware for innovation, though, so I don't see it replacing actual programming anytime soon.

Would you rather succeed at what you do very often, or succeed at what you do less often, but when you do, it's much more positive for you and your future?

CookiesAndMil_’s Profile PhotoCookiesAndMil_
I'd rather succeed more often than infrequently but spectacularly. I feel like it would lead to greater overall happiness than the constant frustration of not knowing when you'll get a break.

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Well, I think what Daniel meant to say is that you're disorganized. I think this rumor started during game jams. I think people were watching you work? There was something about your code not being in the exact line spacing format and all that. (Of course, if /you/ can use the code, who cares?)

The Great Duck
It's more that as a self-taught programmer, I've developed my own habits in isolation and I work best as a solo cowboy programmer. I've considered getting more into open source to combat this, but since I only write code to have fun these days, the external pressure to improve on the parts that are boring aren't there.
I also develop very heavily bottom up by focusing on individual parts until they're good enough to either work as a functioning placeholder (and usually sticking around as being the final version) and then moving on to whatever I next feel like is missing the most when I run the program.

I want to ask a suggestion; I'm good at drawing, web designing. I'm doing what i love. I have so many ideas, plans in my mind. But in last years I was acting lazy, asocial. So I can't make any products from my ideas. Do you have any suggestions about this? It would be good to hear from you.

If I knew how to intentionally feel productive and creative, I'd be getting so much more done. I've been trying to figure out why I'm not, but that doesn't seem to be working very well. The only way for me to know I'll feel productive and creative is to work on something that I find genuinely interesting and is very small in scope, then maybe I can transition that flow into something more substantial.


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