
Markus Persson

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What do you do in life when you feel like there's nothing at all you can do? When it feels like just going with the motions is all there is and ever will be? How do you break free and follow your dreams, however impossible they may seem? Sorry that's like 3 questions but I feel like they go together

Valor_dictorian’s Profile PhotoAustin Koziol
There's a lot of temporary joy in moving on, in chasing, in pushing and rising. It absolutely is temporary, but maybe that's ok sometimes. You can go on a rollercoaster every once in a while, but you can't live on it. Learn to say no, and to say yes. Push yourself when you have the energy, let yourself rest when you don't.
But I would suggest not staring too much into the abyss and stressing yourself out. Reality is uncaring and brutal, and you can't change that. Instead, let it flow around you. Be a rock in the middle of the white rapids, don't become driftwood.
Sit down somewhere and observe something you take for granted and think about how complex and unique it is. A tree, a road, a billboard, a loved one. Anything. Your life feels complex and unique to you, but in the grand scheme of things, it's absolutely ok to just be.

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Just because you haven't found a man that you're attracted to yet doesn't mean you can't identify as bisexual! Identify as whatever you feel comfortable with. Don't feel pressured to find a parnter in order to be able to identify as something. If you'd like to identify as a bisexual, then go ahead!

MangoKiwii’s Profile PhotoMangoKiwi
No, I'm going to let my sexual identification reflect what I actually feel, and not what I wished it was. I don't care what other people do, but for me it's more important to be real with myself about who I am.

How do I become rich

joeffss’s Profile PhotoLil Pace
I wish I could say "work hard", but that's a lie. While it's true that a lot of people who get rich have indeed worked hard, for everyone who gets rich that way there's millions of people who also worked hard and got very little for it. The world in an uncaring, unjust and unfair place.
Your best bet is probably to cheat, if you can live with yourself doing that. You'll lose friends, and you'll feel empty, but you might get rich. However, take it from someone who for some reson didn't have to struggle to get rich; there's no inherent happiness here. Stick to whats real.

How do u get ask famous?

cutietille’s Profile PhotoTille
I have no idea. For the small amount of fame I got, I guess it's because I had a face and a personality closely tied to a popular product. Other people can be talented in a field that gets a lot of exposure, such as music of film. Others have zero talent and become famous because they're walking train wrecks, like donald trump.

On a scale from 1~10, what's your favorite color of the alphabet?

Vektor900’s Profile PhotoVekt0r
Looking through my recent answers, I noticed it was mostly just joke replies and nonsense. This can be entertaining, and it's way more emotionally safe than to open up too much to a bunch of random strangers on the internet, yet it still made me feel a bit shallow. So today, I decided to actually start putting some thought and effort into my replies, really internalizing the essence of what's being asked, then try to somewhat concisely formulate an honest and thorough reply that still contains the playful nature of my previous replies. When I saw this question here, my first instinct was one of resignation. Surely there's no way to truly warrant this question with the reply it demands, or so I thought. Instead, I decided to do what Charlie Kaufman did with Adaptation and have my work represent the work that went into making the work instead of the actual work itself. Hopefully someone will find this jet fuel can't melt steel beams entertaining, interesting and maybe even perhaps be able to use it as a way to reflect on their own feelings of honestly and shallowness.

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Do you ever feel that there could be more in life? I'm sure you like your life as the way it is now, and i'm happy for you. But do you ever feel that you would not mind if you had like a place where you go everyday or a chore you complete etc?

I think humans always has a desire for more, and a desire for purpose. Jakob and I started up a new office where we probably won't even finish anything mostly to have somewhere to go during the days. It's fun.


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