

Ask @xlittlemidget

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look my parents hate me , so does my boyfriend because he broke up with me after a year. i cried , i cut i do think about suicide every second i breath :'( my mom and dad doesn't even care. So does my older brother. At school they hate me too , everyone. i can't do anything right!! :'(

So you think about suicide? you want to kill yourself? Because you think no one cares.. Your family hates you. Right , everyone at street does too, right? No. they don't hate you. Ur parents will walk into your room to wake you up for school & what will they find? a dead body. Your mother don't believes what she see's. Your dad does neither. he start your mom on & says ' is this a dream , she can't be dead? ' Then they’ll start shaking you. Why aren’t you breathing? They'll be broken there will be tears on their faces everywhere. Was it them? Were they the reason you did this? More tears. Pain. Every day. Every night. You're old brother will blame himself he didn't listen to you when your heart gets broken. He won't forgive himself it & for the first time , he cried , he started cutting because he didn't could give the pain a place. Every second of these days , they will cry and cry. What about your bestfriends? They’re not going to care. Right? Because they don't give a fuck and just hate you , right? No. the first thing that will go to their mind will be ' why wasn't i there for her , why didn't i talk and listen to her' She will blame herself for yours. While your bestfriend sits there in tears.The boy you fell inlove with but just broke ur heart ? He’ll be shocked. He’ll be devastated. He’ll blame himself. He's in a really deap depression now because he know's its his fault. What about your teacher? Thoughts crossing her mind. She’ll question if you did it because she didn’t make school comfortable enough for you. Pain. Devastation. All in one. Who organises your funeral? Who has to go through your stuff? Clothes? Notes? Those few older girls who used to give you daggers at school? They’ll feel regret. They’ll blame themselves. Look , you don't see it know , but everyone care's. Don't kill yourself because it can't rain forever. you won't know how beautiful it can be tommorow.Your family hates themselves for it. Your bestfriend then falls into depression. Tears. Tears. More tears than a river. All because you killed yourself because you thought noone would care. Right? You are loved. By many. Someone right now is thinking of you , how much they love you. And probably it's the boy who thinks of you. He's such a fool for breaking your heart. You are beautiful and don't let someone else let you think you're not . And listen. You want to kill yourself? Think about it first. There’s no coming back. You killed yourself and there will never be a way to come back , never. You need to know if you do it , you're hurting so many people. even people you don't know will be schoking. Everyone will be in tears, more then you'll ever be. Think about others , they love you. they do care , you just only don't want to see it. please think about it & stay strong. Sorry for my bad english sweetie <3

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