

Ask @zayncutestgifs

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idk I think it's just all gotten out of control

Do you know any zayn strong fanbase acc? And by strong I mean they wont turn against his back at all

I mean we're not planning to? I think we're just confused and upset

You mean the "fantastic four" there isnt One Direction anymore :/ i feel betrayed :(

it's still one direction we just have to accept that zayn's not in it anymore

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do you think Naughty Boy released the song on ppurpose to shut louis?

you know he did. he had no other reason to drop it.

He is being sooo immature he beeds to stop.

he knows he's riling us up and that's essentially what louis called him out for

I feel there is something that Zayn wants to tell us but he is afraid to tell it...and plus..if Zayn sang the song "I Wont Mind" he would tell us to listen to it..but he didnt..somwthing definately is being hidden from us

there's definitely something hidden and I wish he trusted us enough to tell us

why zayn literally didnt do anything in this situation except demo a song a year ago and now yall hate him lol okay so be it...

I don't hate him I just want the truth because there's so many stories and angles RN

zayn really needs to say something tho bc naughty boy is making him look like the biggest asshole and its making me sad bc i know zayn isnt like that

I agree I'm really upset over this

Okay I respect Zayn's decision whether he would go solo or what, and I think NB doesn't deserve being called so many rude names but I'm so annoyed at NB rn. :( why does he have to post that music? :( I don't know... :(

he can't defend himself because he's being immature and weak

I never cared about nb. He was friends with zayn for a long time now but right now I'm regretting why I even thought of defending him

he's being really immature honestly

Everyone is pissing me the fuck off uhHHHHVS I AM SO MAD IDK WHAT TI DO HONESTLY UGH IM SORRY I JUST CANT this isn't even a question I'm sorry I just had to like vent

I'm honestly annoyed and idk what's happening and I just want to leave :(

was it only zayn singing in that song? couldn't listen to it all

I didn't listen to it bc I don't even care at this point

I didn't say anything about zayn leaving for nb I'm saying Louis tweets were about more than just nb retweeting some shitty video

then what were they about

It's hurts me knowing people are hating Zayn when he is not even directly involved in the tweets between Louis and naughty boy. I miss zayn

there's a lot a tension revolving Zayn and no one knows exactly what is going on so it isn't helping

You don't deserve anon hate. None tipe of hate. You're amazing. Te amo Brie, eres lo maximo.

haha I'm not entirely sure what this said but thank you

There's more to it than a stupid video and a few tweets

you're trying to say zayn left 1D for NB which is untrue

Louis tweeted nb over something more than a video lets not be stupid

he's annoyed that naughty keeps disrespecting the fandom don't be stupid


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