
AbdulAziz AlSubaie

Name 3 type of people you don't want to sit next to on flight ?

1- fat ass people who eat while speaking !!!
2- annoying people who never shut up and act like they know everything about the destination you're going to !!!
3- my lil bro :)

Latest answers from AbdulAziz AlSubaie

ويه قانون دستوري من اول سمستر!! الله يعينك! بالتوفيق يارب

سهل، وآمين

What are the courses you're taking this semester? And when is your first midterm? :p

ثقافة اسلامية وانجليزي وعربي ومدخل علم القانون و قانون دستوري واختباراتي بنوڤبمر

Language: English