

Ask @ALyssaY576

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What do you want for Christmas?

Honestly haven't thought of that yet. I know I'm getting a ticket for Havelock jamboree lol

What happened between you and Shawn?

Lots happened. We just weren't able to make it work right now. We are still able to talk and we are still friends and I hope we can make it work in the future because I love him to death. He's smart, funny, loving, dorky, perfectly imperfect, a little oblivious sometimes but that's okay. He taught me so much about myself and i couldn't have asked for a better guy to spend 2 years of my life with. No matter what he will hold a special place in my heart and I wish the best to him ❤ I LOVE YOU SHAWN

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What are your thought on the legalization of Gay Marrige in all 50 states of America?

saying your against it because it goes against your religion is like getting mad at someone who eats a donut because your on a diet..

Do you have a job?

Working with my family, babysitting my nephew and start at hunters on Tuesday as a cashier. 👌

tbh we haven't talked in a really long time, you're really pretty and seem down to earth

thanks, you aswell. hmu sometime if you want:)

If there was a 6ft 3 man standing guard of a chest that contained $1,000,00. You can keep it, All you had to do was get past him, What would you do?

kick him in the nuts. obviously.
Liked by: Tom Glazier

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

these guys. they whine and meow until i get up, let them out and feed them..

guy and girl bestfriends

what are friends? someone be my friend. I'll share cake and ice cream I promise 😂

You think you're top shit man, it's hilarious. Go cheat on fucking Shawn some more you bitch. Everyone knows you do!!

let's get this straight.
1: my relationship is my buisness not yours. Stay out of it
2, you're wrong and its pathetic. go find something better to do
3, if I was cheating on Shawn how could I hangout with him everyday, go home and work for 4-5 hours then go to bed AND find time to cheat? 😂😂😂


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