
Aaron Abel Goh

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Thoughts on the one and only 👑 x

Princess Nadja! 👑 Self proclaimed princess HAHA but with qualities like her I guess it's close enuf to royalty la 😌 Sooo nadja is a 💯 girl with little to no flaws. She looks like an angel but is a devil inside HAHA jokes! She has a really stingy pinch that will leave a mark if she does it to u. Besides that, she's an outgoing person! She's a really fun person to be with because of the stupid things she will say/do. She's also one of those Tat I would count as a fren in my little fren circle. She can also be very immature and childish but that's wad makes her so fun to be with HAHA not even sure if I'm going the right track but hmmm Alrite tats it I guess? ALL HAIL PRINCESS NADJA 👑
Liked by: peter wang Kee$ha

Tbh - Sup Steph 😂😂😂 haven't seen you in awhile man. Still rmb the days we used to play tennis and you used to be the toughest guy on the court...what happened HAHHAHAHAH jks jks. All the best with pt3 unless you're already 16 then enjoy honeymoon year pls 😂👌🏿

16 dy dude HAHA thanks! 😂
Liked by: Maybelle Sim

Are you sad that some seniors are leaving this year? Who would you miss?

Obv I'll be quite sad la 😌 Ermm there are a couple Ahha mainly the guys tat I play ball with and also some girls (e.g Dayna, Danyia, Alanna etc etc) haha

Describe Potter😌

"Afraid, potter?" Severus Snape asked.
Hi potter aka Qalisya 😌 you're a loser who thinks you're tall but in reality you're not. You're addicted to tv shows omg wad even. Hmm
So I only knew u in form 1? Like when u first became a prefect and u were on canteen duty and I was like "who is this potato?" JOKES so at first right, I thought u were the Emo type Cz u had this one facial expression throughout 2013 HEHE but then this year then I noticed you're act like someone stoned/high etc Ahaha hmm wad else wad else ohh legend has it you're a maths/add maths god 😱
You're Qaliff brother. YES brother, not sister 😌 and Er you're one of the prefect who'll never get off duty 😌 and u always make fun of me 😒 but SOKAY Bc muggles are idiots
Whoops time to go hehe chao loser
On a side note: you're a great friend ☺️ and someone I can be weird around HAHA

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