

Ask @AbbieLovesYooh

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omg love your hair abbie,its so lush,and it really suits you x

aw thank you Lex, that means a lot c: x

What frustrates you the most?

• People who buy merch when they barely even like the band
• People who can't handle being single, therefore have been in a relationship with every person they can
• People who think they are better than everyone else
• People who have gigantically fat legs, but still choose to wear leggings, shorts or a skirt, ew
• Animal abuse
• The word 'Hipster'
• How lonely I am, damn
• you
Liked by: Shannon, wby?


Send me numbers or I will scoop out your eyeballs :-)
1. 3 fears?
2. My best friend?
3. How tall am I?
4. Do i have a crush?
5. Favourite quote?
6. Favourite food?
7. What am i listening to right now?
8. Favourite style of clothing?
9. Favourite band?
10. How i feel right now?
11. My relationship with my parents?
12. Tattoos and piercings I want?
13. Do I and my last ex hate each other?
14. Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
15. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
16. When was the last time I hugged someone?
17. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
18. What do I think about most?
19. Do I believe in ghosts?
20. What was the last book I've read?
21. Favourite animal?
22. What do I feel strongly about?
23. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
24. What is my current desktop picture?
25. Had sex?
26. Who was my first kiss?
27. Smoked weed?
28. Been overweight?
29. Gotten my heart broken?
30. Cut myself?
31. Dyed my hair?
32. Peed outside?
33. What do I want for birthday?
34. Do I like my handwriting?
35. Favourite tv show?
36. Where do I want to live when older?
37. Favourite pizza topping?
38. What do I like about myself?
39. How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
40. Any question you'd like?

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Language: English