
Abii Davies

Ask @Abiidavies

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thanks lovely, they are just ratchett messes, and they are jealous of you and your fierceness gurl xxx

Welcome! And ahah gwon hannn! Xxx

don't know you, just know that you seem lovely and that you're absoloutly beautiful! always here if you need to talk about anything, ignore these basic bitches gurl, i will rip their fake ass weaves out for you x

Aww hahaha fankyou BABYGURL!! Happy birthday:-) mwah xxx

everyone stop asking her what happened she said if you tell her who it is she might text you it if she doesn't want to put it on here she doesn't have to it's none of you're business so just keep the fuck out


Bitch please,would rather not be called hunny by a drug taking sex mad 13/14 year old girl with hiv, tysm !!! Ly !

1- I do not take drugs? Hahaha
2- I'm not sex mad at all
3- your banter is shit.
And dont you fucking dare start calling me anything. You don know what the fuck happened that night so keep your opinions to yourself. before you start judging, ask me first. Like what happens because you obviously know FUCK ALL. I'm not a slag or a slut at all, it was a mistake? Loads of people my age have done worse so shut the fuck up. Grow up


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