

What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?

1. read diligently, observe people, analyze more cases, and learn much as I can do.. but do not engage or interfere with matters that endanger myself or the people around me ever again
2. love people that love me, cherish them more in my life, respect what they want to do or think, appreciate anything what I have...
3. look everything with different side point of view as an subject or object whether it is positive and negative.. find any possibility before decide anything
4. I should be more patience to look for a chance and opportunity, patience when anything goes wrong, patience when facing unwanted or unfavorable people who comes to my life
5. loyal to people who willing to help me.. pay back their kindness double times more..
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Kalau nikah mau ldr ga sama pak su?

hard to say... depends on my future hubby works... because I could work in anywhere.. any time...

apa yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu hubungan?

trust as a foundation
understanding as the pillars
financial as the roof

Language: English