

Ask @Acostalaura80

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What type of guys r u into

I don't think I have like a certain type. Just as long as they can show me theyre respectful, loving, and that I can trust them, then I'm good.
Liked by: Ammar Bdarneh

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What's is your biggest dream? (And it can't do anything with the kardashians lol)

Lol oh you know me so well who ever this is. My biggest dream is to be successful, make my parents proud, and help people!
Liked by: Ammar Bdarneh

I want to love .We live in a world ,where our ground is melting ice and alot of the time we quickly cling onto the first person we see and call them our loves because we are slowing dying;falling.instead of rushing & forcing love lets find it and keep it even if it's before our ground is gone

Who is this
Liked by: Ammar Bdarneh

Language: English