

Some people think all elders deserve to be respected. Do you agree or disagree with this rule? If you sometimes agree with it, how do you determine which elders deserve respect?

Yes, i do, but here is what that means to me. Our elders have earned the right to some respect, this doesn't mean that we should necessarily obey them or modify our lives based on anything they may say. It means, they have earned the right to age with dignity. To be treated with respect. Whether they are the most angelic grandmother or biggest douche on the planet, they went before us. That doesn't mean we won't disagree with them or even like them, only that they deserve courtesy. Yes, even if they don't show it back.
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Latest answers from Adina

Could a hearse that was carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

Well, the rule does say 'occupants' the case could be made though that the corpse counts as cargo. Cop would probably give you a warning for originality. I say, 'Go for it'

What do you think is the best way to respond to rude or inappropriate questions?

Raised eyebrow and a side-eye.

What were you doing 15 minutes before answering this question?

Watching a total farce of a football game. I think the Eagles fielded a team comprised of lookalikes.

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

Pretty much anything math or science related. Especially physics. Thought about teaching HS physics for a while but got talked out of it for another path.
Now I write code, or rather make others do it for me and don't use either of the very expensive pieces of parchment I earned. Now calculate that graph of wasted money. ;-P

Would you rather go through life unable to answer any questions or unable to ask any questions?

Just kill me and put me out of my misery

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME stuff, why didn't he just buy dinner instead of chasing The Road Runner?

My theory is that he's actually a vegetarian using a stolen card. He only likes the chase. There was one episode where hr caught the roadrunner. Did you know that? Then the doofus let's it go. **face palm**
I once saw an unofficial version, where Wile launched himself from a bow and instead of flying by, catches teh birdie in the neck. Next scene, he is eating roast bird.

Will you finish this sentence? “I can’t stand being around people who….”

Whine. Triggers all of the latent rage from everyone in a three mile radius straight through my brain.
And judgmental people, cuz, fuck 'em!

Do you think you’re a good judge of character?

I'd like to think so. However, we have all made those 'oops' calls and then had to hide for a few weeks until the poor decision got bored or just focused on a different poor decision maker.

Language: English